Revista Puericultura nº136 - page 28

Special Report:
Spanish Exporting
“The Spanish presence
abroad is still below
their potential”
Interview toAlfonsoOrtegaGiménez, professor ofPrivate International
Lawat ‘UniversidadMiguelHernándezdeElche’ inSpain
AlfonsoOrtegaGiménez, professor
of Private international law at ‘Uni-
versidad Miguel Hernández de El-
che’ and author of
Plan de interna-
cionalización empresarial. Manual
práctico (Business Plan interna-
tionalization. Practical Handbook)
says that the only solution to the
crisis for many Spanish companies
is strengthening its position in in-
ternational markets. In this inter-
view, Ortega explains the key fac-
tors that ensure the success of the
internationalization process.
- Why Spanish companies should leap to foreign
- Internationalization and openness to foreignmarkets
are probably the most important changes experien-
ced by the Spanish economy in the last thirty years.
Currently, and increasingly, many Spanish companies
are in process of internationalization. For some time
they detected the enormous benefits that the pursuit
and consolidation of newmarkets give to the business
organization. Even so, the Spanish presence abroad is
still below its potential. In fact, the output to foreign
markets from its many variants represented the only
solution for many Spanish companies to the serious
global economic crisis, which struck our countrywith a
particular virulence, becoming the key of the company
to survive to a fall in domestic demand in a changing
and challenging environment, where stagnation would
only achieve its collapse and rambunctious failure in
this increasingly globalizedworld.
Globalization is transforming the planet. Be out of
reach is practically impossible. Its effects have resul-
ted in the need to conquer international markets by
verymany companies around the world and should be
carried out by our companies. We must be aware that
globalization and internationalization are linked, justi-
fying output to internationalmarkets.
The progressive opening of borders on themovement
of goods produced by the management of the World
Trade Organization (WTO); reducing prices of interna-
tional transport; the huge transfer of information and
AlfonsoOrtega,professorofPrivate InternationalLawat ‘Universidad
MiguelHernándezdeElche’ inSpain
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