Revista Puericultura nº136 - page 36

Special Report:
Spanish Exporting
“Wehaveknownhow togrowandadaptus to themarket”
LIL ONES is a Spanish company dedicated to the distribution of childcare products,
apart from its own brand, BABYMONSTERS, created in 2009 and focused on the seg-
ment of strollers. According to the company, this is a positive aspect when choosing
better theproducts theydecide todistribute, thosewhichadaptbetter to their local and
foreignmarkets, apart fromgiving the company another viewpoint of themarket. From
LILONES, theyassure that “wehave knownhow togrowandadapt us to themarket in
these last twelve years keeping always anunited commercial team and a narrow rela-
tionshipbasedonconfidencewith themain stores in thecountrieswherewework”.
BABYMONSTERS have presence in countries such as Germany, Israel, Greece, UK,
Bulgary and Taiwan, and also they foresee their leap to other territories. As objecti-
ves, thebrand isdecided tokeepon increasing introducingalwaysnewqualityproducts
whichcomplywith thedemandingexpectationof parents.
In relation to its attendance to Kind + Jugend, from the company they highlight that
“it isdoubtlessly theEuropean trade fair inwhich ismandatory toparticipatebecause is
wherewe can know themarket news coming from themainbrands, andwherewe can
exchange opinion and experience with competitors, providers and customers”. As the
main trends, they standout that products tobe functional, compact andat competitive
in termsof price.
“One of the keys to success is the design Made in
MICUNAGroupwas established in 1973 to bringwood cribswhen themetal domina-
ted themarket. CurrentlyMICUNA facilities are inSollana, Valencia, and continuema-
nufacturing furniture for babies. InSpain,more than2,000 specialized storeshave their
products in their shops windows, so MICUNA is consolidating its international expan-
sion. Recognizedworldwide, the company leads thedomesticmarket and is considered
the fourth largest Europeancompany inmanufactureof children’s furniture.
Oneof the keys to success is that thedesignandproductionof both the furnitureand
textile are totallymade in their factories inValencia. On the other hand, as an expert in
the implementation of safety regulations, the company is able to adapt all products to
different safety standardsof internationalmarkets.
Currently, 30% of sales are international and MICUNA distributed between Russia,
Asia, Europe, Africa and the US. The company highlights the recent entry into the US
market through its high-end products. MICUNAwants to continue to expandmarkets
and therefore just started new agreements to distribute inAustralia andOceania. The
company believes Kind +Jugend Fair remains the international benchmark and there-
fore again this year, this event presents all products and international developments
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