Revista Puericultura nº136 - page 29

knowledge throughout the world in the era of new te-
chnologies and communication in which we live; the
decrease in the documentary procedures for crossing
borders, whether in the EU area or in third countries,
require the internationalization of Spanish companies
and the search for new foreign markets that demand
our products and services and that, in turn, lead to
the expansion of our business horizon, the successful
development of the enterprise and wealth creation
for the added value it entails, encouraging the socio-
economic growth of our environment, so necessary in
modern times.
- What are themain issues to consider when star-
ting the internationalization plan?
- Before planning access to international markets, it
becomes essential to conduct business analysis that
allows us to learn about different capabilities in terms
of production, product and/or service, available re-
sources internationalization, etc. In short, the interna-
tionalization planwill provide answers to a number of
issues that will serve to successfully plan access to
international markets: What are we trying to achieve
with the business internationalization?Wemust know
our level of expectations, our aversion to risk, time ho-
rizon to achieve our goals, for example. Do we have
the necessary skills to succeed abroad? That is, if we
have a good product and/or servicemarks, appropriate
supply chain, support structures, etc. Do we have the
talent to manage the expansion? It means if we hold
sufficient technical and human resources to achieve
the objective.
-What you shouldknowandanalyseaboutmarkets
that want to address?
- A thorough knowledge of the market which we are
going to direct is fundamental, both in cultural, econo-
mic, regulatory, geographic, country risk, etc. Therefo-
re, market research and adaptation of business struc-
ture to international markets, with the costs that this
entails, is essential.
- Inshort, howcanyouundertake the internationali-
zation of the companywith guarantees of success?
- The process of internationalization from its multiple
variables implies that the company makes a deep and
abiding change. There should be a consistentmind-set
toward that goal. This change in attitude has resulted
in the involvement of multiple technical resources at
our disposal and should be responsible for all human
resources of the company andnot just theowners,ma-
nagers and executives it. The implementation of pro-
cesses, organizational structures and techniques that
require the internationalization process involves the
commitment of the entire business organization.
Access to foreign markets therefore requires prior
knowledge of the markets, our product, the structure
of our company, our competitive advantages; meet our
resources, among others. Therefore, the internationa-
lization of success is planned, properly executed and
controlled through a comprehensive internationaliza-
tion plan.
Only with internationalization plan that includes on
the one hand the strategic thinking process developed
with globalmind-set for internationalmarkets and, se-
condly, an operational vision that permits the company
to implement the process andmake it happen, wewill
be able to address foreign markets with guaranteed
success. With international planning we know the ba-
rriers, our weaknesses and threats, in as well as our
strengths and opportunities, which make us strong to
introduce these coveted markets in an energetic way
and steadily. It is not a matter of chance or intuition.
Success depends on previous preparation and suffi-
cient strategic and operational planning embodied in a
comprehensive internationalization plan.
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