Revista Puericultura nº136 - page 32

Special Report:
Spanish Exporting
“Kind+Jugend isa logicanswer toourobjectiveofope-
CASUALPLAY isacompany founded in1966andwithheadquarters inBarcelona. Po-
sitioned amongst the leaders of the sector, the company have been pioneer on desig-
ning,manufacturingand commercialising child restraint devices inSpainandworks for
thecreationofarticleswhichfit thenewconsume trendsand, specially, thenewparents
needs. For the last 45 years, CASUALPLAY countswith an offerwhichgoes from stro-
llers to solutionsof homechildcarearticles, and socar seatsandaccessories.
The sales of the company are focused principally on the national market, but they
countwith importantcostumers in theEuropeanzone,withastrongpresence inFrance,
Italy, Germany, Belgium, Poland andRussia. In that sense, as theirmain objectives, the
companywants to focusonconsolidating themarketswhere itworks, andsoopennew
markets inamid termperiodwith thedevelopment of newproduct gammaswhichgive
answer to theconsumer demands.
From the company, they assure that “Kind +Jugend is the reference trade fair inter-
nationally, ameetingpointwhichallows themmeet buyers, customersanddistributors
fromhalf theworld”. Further, theyconsider that isaperfectwindow inorder toshowoff
their news, aswell asa logicanswer to their objectiveof openingnewmarkets.
Concord, distinctiveand special design
For over 30 years, CONCORD has been dedicated to developing and producing high-
quality child seats for vehicles that complywith themost advanced safety techniques.
Since 2006, it has gradually expanded its range of products. With its three business
areas: Driving,MovingandLiving, today it offers child seats, pushchairs, travel systems
andbabyproducts. TheCONCORDproduct range isaimedat customers looking for the
best qualityandadistinguishedand special design.
In 2004, the JANÉ group bought the company, which is structured around the va-
lues of usefulness, ease, personality, quality and service. CONCORD uses quality and
functionalmaterials suitable for children. The company also cares about the interests
and concerns of its customers, providing a comprehensive and professional service.
In short, focusing on the development of practical and functional products. Optimally
adapted to theneedsof children tohelpparentswith their day-to-day tasks.
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