Revista Puericultura nº136 - page 30

Special Report:
Spanish Exporting
“Kind+Jugend is the international trade fairwithmore
relevance for the sector”
ARTEMUR is a company founded in 1967 in Molina de Segura (Murcia) which is fo-
cused on themanufacturing of textile garments and, apart from the babycare sector,
reaches other arms such as home. Regarding to its specialisation in the baby products
segment, they highlight the baby’s room textile, strollers clothes and textile for child
furniture. FromARTEMUR they standout that theyworkunder thepremisesof quality,
innovation and service, whichhavebeen themain keys for the company’s development
up tonow. Thecompany isalwayssearching for asharp renewof itsoffer andsamples,
aswell asnew improvedmaterials, uniquedesignandmanufacturingmade inSpain.
Apart from theSpanishgeographical ambit, themainmarketsof thecompanyare the
Arabian Countries, South America and different countries of the European continent,
all of them supposing 15% of the company’s invoicing. From the corporation they are
decided to increase the international presenceofARTEMUR, aswell as raise itssales in
those territories. In regards to itsattendingatKing+Jugend, theyassure that is “the in-
ternational trade fairwithmore relevance for thesector”,where theyadd that theyalso
attend the fairPuericulturaMadrid. In relation to the international trends thatdetermine
the development of childcare products, they highlight that “customers look for using
articles asmuch time as possible, aswell as to shop versatile and functional products
whichaccompanykidsduring their development”.
“Our objective is to offer restraint devices for vehicles
that fit theneedsof each familyandcountry”
BABYAUTO isacompany specialised inchildcar safetywhichhavebeenfifteenyears
manufacturing exclusively restraint systems for different markets and brands. The
qualitymanaging systems of the company are adapted to European and International
markets, offeringsafetyproductsunderdifferenthomologationdependingon theneeds
of each customer. Themainmarkets for BABYAUTO continue beingSpain andEurope,
“even though in the last few years we have noticed a bigger consciousness related to
child safety in somecountriesof LatinoAmerica”.
Themain objective for them is to consolidate their presence in the emergent econo-
mies andoffer restraint devices for vehicles that fit theneeds of each family and coun-
try. Moreover, the company collaborateswith different organizations and international
certification labs, factwhichprovides itsprofessionalswitha special knowledge.
Regarding to theirattendance toKind+Jugend, “it isoneof themoreveteraneventson
thesector and theonewithmoreprojection inEurope”. On itsbehalf, theyalsohighlight
Maternity Expo. Related to international trends on the category of car security, from
BABYAUTO they stand out the introduction of the i-Size regulation. And in regards to
that, theybelieve that “itwill get bothparentsandprofessionalsknowmoreabout how
tochoose thegroupor positionof seats”.
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