Revista Puericultura nº136 - page 38

Special Report:
Spanish Exporting
“We provide parents with the highest quality through
MINILANDBABY, a brandwhich belongs toMINILANDGROUP, is one of the reference
brands in theSpanish sector focusedon thedesignof different childcareproductswhich
fit the needs of the little ones, from babymonitor lines till products for their care and
comfort, aswell as themost advanceddevices in terms of prepareandpreserve food. In
order to adapt the new parents desires, fromMINILANDBABY they are focused on the
sharp innovation, themost advanced technology, designandquality.
Spain is thefirstmarketof this line’s invoicing, butcurrently thecompanyhasgotahuge
numberof international.Moreover, it countswithamore than7yearsconsolidation in the
Russianmarket andpresence in Italy, UK, and theMiddleEast. As objectives, MINILAND
BABYwantstoconsolidatethemarketstheyalreadywork inandexploretheirpossibilities
in theAsiaticmarket.Regarding its internationalisation, “Kind+Jugend isoneof themain
meeting points of the babycare industry globally”, moreover, the brand exhibits in other
trade fairsuchasPuericulturaMadrid.Related to theglobal trends, theyhighlightaspects
suchas portable technology, the integrationof physical productswithdigital experience,
andso thedesignof articlesand thesustainable face in foodproducts.
MINILANDGROUP counts also with the lineMINILAND EDUCATIONAL, focused on a
huge range of didactic gameswith a strong educational part. Actually, the brand counts
with an own subsidiary in theUSA since 2009 and amongst its strategies, there are the
expansionof themarketsandof thatfilial.
“Technical fabrics and internationalization of markets
UZTURRE U-BABIES is a company engaged in themanufacture of textiles and high
quality accessories. The company started business in Irura, Guipúzcoa, in 1928 in the
fieldof lingerie, but in the last40yearshasevolved in thefieldof childcare. Specializing
inpersonalized roomsandproductssuchasbabystrolls, always respecting theirdesign
workwith technical and ecological fabrics to create high-quality textiles; comfortable
Themainmarket UZTURRE U-BABIES is in Europe, where they distribute their pro-
ducts inmany stores, mainly in the Spanish and Portuguesemarkets, but also inGer-
many, Ireland and Italy. Outside Europe distributes their products in Saudi Arabia and
inMexico, Panama and theDominicanRepublic. Over the next few years, the company
aims to continue growing in the international market using different distribution chan-
nels.Therefore, from thecompany theyvalue the importanceofattending fairs likeKind
+Jugend, because it gives options to contact newmarkets, tomeet new trends and to
Technical fabrics and internationalization of markets, thanks to social networks and
onlinecommercearemarkingbabycareproductsdevelopment, theysay.But tofindout
what other trends are influencing the industry, the company alsoplans to attendmore
international fairs this year, amongst which are Puericultura Madrid and Harrogate in
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