Revista Puericultura nº136 - page 31

“The internationalization of the company is one of our
commercial priorities”
BEBÉ DUE is dedicated to the field of childcare articles with the clear objective of
prioritising the comfort and security for babies. This way, the company designs, pro-
duces and distributes babycare articleswhile providing the familieswith the option of
choose, amongstdifferentproducts, thoseoneswhichfit themost theirneeds. From the
company, theyhighlight thesuccessof three lines:MEDIC (breastfeeding), TERMALINE
(thermal products) andCOLOURS&FLAVOURS (feeding).
Twoof themainaspects to standout in relationwithBEBÉDUEare the special cons-
ciencewith securityand strict complianceof current regulation.
Currently, itsmainmarket isthenational,with importanteffortsto increasetheirpresence
inanothercountriesofthewholeworld,whichnowrepresent15%ofthetotal invoicing. “The
internationalisationof the company is oneof our commercial priorities, aswell as consoli-
dateour presence in closemarkets suchasPortugal or Italy”. Regarding to its attendance
toKind+Jugend, fromBEBÉDUE they consider that it is an excellentmeetingpointwith
someoftheir foreigncustomers,aswellasanexcellentwindowtomakecontacts for future
commercial relations. Apart from the trade fair inCologne, the companyhavepresence in
other salonswhich takeplace inTurkey, SingaporeorShanghai. In relation to international
trendswithin thesector, theystandout the factof “developingproductsmoresecureevery
time,whichease thequotidian lifeofparentsaccording to theneedsofnew families”.
Be Cool, a balance between design, performance and
BECOOL is a young brand, made by young people for young people, who are com-
mitted to a product that guarantees the balance between design, performance and
price. An urban, agile and modern product that aims to improve the daily lives of
active parentswhowant the best for their babies.
BECOOLoffers a catalogue containing selectedproducts at a very reasonablepri-
ce without sacrificing the originality, design or performance of a high-end product.
The product range is renewed and extended annually in terms of colours aswell as
styles toalways offer the latest trendswith the safety and security guarantees that
come from belonging to the JANÉGroup.
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