Shanghai International Industry Chil-
dren BabyMaternity Expo
is the recognized annual meeting of indus-
try leaders, brandsandmajorplayers in the
it is themost encompassingproducts for infants, children
andmotherhood in theworldevent.After15yearsof suc-
cess, CBMEChina 2016 drawsmore exhibitors andmore
initiatives for visitors.On thisoccasion itwill beheld
20 to22July inShanghai.
At the fair
, children are
the kings. This great event brings together
under the roof of the Shanghai New In-
ternational Expo Center as many Chinese
suppliers specialized in baby items and ac-
cessories. ChinaKidsExpo is theonly com-
prehensive B2B platform for the industry of China and
its next editionwill take place
from 19 to 21October in
, the International
Trade Exhibition of Children’s Products,
is the great global gathering of the sec-
tor in the Iberian Peninsula. In each of
their calls it meets the universe of large
and small brands that make up this industry, with its
collections of the new season, setting an outstanding
showcase sector, in which more than 400 companies
and brands are involved. On this occasion it will be held
from29September to2October at FeriadeMadrid.
is a spe-
cialized trade fair in the field of childcare
held in Hong Kong, China event. It offers a
wide range of baby products as clothing,
footwear and fashionaccessories, furniture,
food and health, aswell as strollers and gears to buyers
around theworld.Theevent isheld
from9 to12January
Global trade fairs for global babycare companies