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Spain ranks sixth among countries participating in the EMO

Spain ranked number 12 number of German export markets last year
This year of the EMO trade fair in Hanover will count, as on previous occasions, with a large representation of Spanish companies manufacturers of machine tools. Specifically 73 Spanish companies will present their most important technological developments in the different pavilions and stands of EMO.

The total exhibition area who will occupy the Spanish companies of machine-tool is 6.758,25 square meters. Taking into account indicators of participation as a whole (number of companies, diversity of machines and technologies presented, as well as the occupied space), the presence of the Spanish will be the sixth in importance after Germany, Italy, Japan, Switzerland and Taiwan. This is an indication

the important position that the Spanish machine tool has achieved in the international scene, being the third largest producer of the European Union and exporting 60% of the production to markets such as Germany, France, United States, Italy, China or India.

Since 1975, the Spanish machine tool manufacturers are participating in successive editions of the EMO, with important figures in each issue, always with the coordination of AFM.

The largest and most significant meeting of the sector

EMO Hannover 2007 takes place from 17 to 22 September. It is the largest and most significant meeting of the metal processing sector. Here are all the major countries producto-res and all international manufactures-ing of renown technology providers. In March of this year already 1.875 exhibitors from 39 countries had registered. On this date a net surface-cie of 158,000 square meters exhibition had already hired. Many exhibitors have booked higher surfaces for 2007. Accordingly, the level of inscriptions on the surface clearly goes to 2005. In its latest edition, EMO Hannover attracted 160,000 trade visitors from 82 countries.

All industrial production is based on modern technologies of manufacture as displayed in EMO. They determined to turn the effectiveness and cali - dad of all products, as well as the processes of production in many industrial enterprises. Therefore, EMO is addressed to all large industrial sectors such as mechanical precision and optics, construction of machinery and instalacio-nes, industry of automobile and subcontracting industries, aerospace, and aero-nautical technologies construccio-nes Naval, medical technologies, manufacturing of tools and moulds, light and steel constructions.

EMO presents all the technologies used in all sectors of the processing of the metal. Here are mainly the processing machine tool and boot chips, as the nerve nucleus of industrial manufacturing, tools of precision, treatment of surfaces, software and systems of control for all manufacturing technologies, system - more than automation and componentssystems of measurement, verify-ing and management of quality, as well as machinery and systems for the manufacture of tools and moulds.

This fair is carried out on behalf of the central Association of the machine industry tool Cecimo (Committee Coopération Européen des Industries of the Machine-Outil) by VDW (Association German of manufactured-tes of machine tools), Frankfurt am Main, in cooperation with Deutsche MesseHanover.

An event that attracts international visitors

EMO Hannover is by far the most prominent and international sector of the metal processing fair. Only here can learn users of manufacturing technologies about the range of offer, compare the effectiveness of the solutions of the most outstanding international manufacturers and compare their ability of technical services in the framework of the competition.

EMO Hannover is accordingly best fame as a platform for information and communication between the international trade visitors - them.

According to the survey at EMO 2005 visitors, the interest of these focuses demarcated in technical information and take care of your contacts. The mayo-ría of the trade visitors come to the EMO above all to get an overview of the international tender in manufacturing technologies. They want to find out most extensively on technical trends, new products and applications, as well as solutions for specific approaches.

The large presence of almost all international vendors relieve-tes and clients in the greater sectoral meeting of the world renowned offers visitors unparalleled opportunity of extending its contac-cough. They therefore wish above all to establish new contacts and take care of existing ones, as well as observing the competition.

The theme of the career development also enjoys high interest among the visitors of EMO. That is why one of the traditional tasks of the organizers of EMO is not only show the last technological level, but also the future of manufacturing technologies. Symposia and with-gresos that accompany your visit benefit Additionally international visitors, because face them here experts from renowned attractions scientifically based and at the same time, everyday practice-oriented future issues.

Another important aspect for visitors is the prospect that EMO Hannover offers the solution to current problems of manufacture. 90 Per cent of those who attended the last Edition with specific investment intentions found what they wanted.

According to the survey, for 99 percent of the visitors, a visit to EMO was a success.

Essential for experts in manufacturing

EMO Hannover is mandatory for anyone who has to do with industrial production, whether a customer such as manufacturer, scientific or professional future. A few examples of the survey to EMO 2005 visitors illustrate why no expert in manufacturing should be present here:

  • EMO Hannover is mandatory for the managerial levels. 50 Per cent of the visitors of 2005 belonged to the estates executives - you higher or intermediate of its companies. Also be distin - guided by its decision-making power. More than half of the visitors is involved in investment decisions; 42 per cent had via-jado to Hanover with specific investment intentions.
  • Against such background, also the exhibitors evaluated "very well" many partial aspects of EMO. Especially satisfactory they consider the number of specific technical discussions, the quality of trade visitors, as well as the advertising effects and the care of the image of your company. Great satisfaction generated the high number of contacts with new customers. 37 Percent of visitors came for the first time. This represents almost 60,000 new potential customers.
  • Imagen

    Platform innovations for manufacturing technologies

    EMO Hannover is the largest and most prominent international forum of innovation-nes of metal processing. For this reason the expectations of visitors profe-sionales are particularly high. Exhibitors working butt to be able to present their innovations at EMO.

    New products, creative solutions for work of transformation and chip startup, innovative strategies for the process of produc-ing and additional services ensure users a decisive advantage in the context of international competition. Issues such as the integration of processes, machining of high speed, automation, processing of new materials, miniaturization, to mention only some points, come determining already for some years technologies of machining swarf removal and transformation. Not to mention that in the meantime many new developments have already reached commercial maturity. However also in the future will continue to improve and optimize the mentioned sectors.

    In EMO Hannover are also for the first time approaches and impul - sos for new technologies tip. Four examples show on what items currently focuses attention:

    The transformable tool machine adapts quickly to changes in the conditions of manufacture. Both manufacturing processes and the tools and systems of work pieces can be in situ adapted with any accuracy to specific manufacturing tasks.

    International competition are requested machine tools to pres-ten the transparency of the cycles of life in order to reduce costs. Necessary useful life cycles control systems facilitate ade-más permanent information on the State of the machine and its components, to support preventive maintenance and the review. As a result, manufacturers can expand and optimize its range of services.

    More and more often, machine tool milled and rectified microstructures. Often the components used, e.g. for the manufacture of tools and moulds, need not be at all of small size. However, these machines are pieces of an exacti-tud and much higher surface quality, and this also faster machining.

    Great savings offers the use of simulation systems with which you can pres-cindirse of expensive prototypes in iron and steel. Thanks to such systems, machines, machining processes and pieces of work can perfeccio-globalization already at an early stage of development. Also fá-factory integrated designs are now simulated before be made to avoid cost-sas erroneous investment later. Manufacturers who work with simulation systems can offer a range of services much broader and maintain thus potentially ahead of the competition.

    Visions of the future production

    As a barometer of the technology trends, EMO Hannover always shows visions of the future production. Currently the interest of the two largest Exhibitor sectors, machine tool for chip startup / processing and precision tools, focuses on three themes:

    -New processes of mechanization: they enhance considerable-mind performance, breadth of applications or machines, e.g. profitability. Thanks to the progressive integration of phases of process, to achieve an integral machining. Thus reached another level of reduction of processing time.

    -Integration of diagnostic systems: they will improve the diagnosis with the help of special sensors or by means of internal signals in machine. They can detect are e.g.. States of staff-workings and processes of a machine by remote control and verify the quality of these processes.

    -New methods for the design of products: new types of products require new conceptual methods. This includes e.g.. the planning of products of functional guidance, the integration of information technology and mechatronic in production or modular approaches of simulation systems.

    Currently the interest of the two largest Exhibitor sectors, machine tool for chip startup / processing and precision tools, focuses on three themes:

    Scientists and companies at full capacity, among others, also in the framework of "Manufuture", the platform of the EU until the end of this decade's research work on these issues. The next fairs EMO will show the results of all these projects.

    International technical symposium "Light constructions"

    In addition to the innovations of exhibiting companies, also in 2007 a technical symposium will highlight the fame of EMO Hannover as the leading platform for innovations of the sector. September 18, 2007, this symposium will explore the theme "Smart light constructions - challenge to the future-oriented solutions of production".

    Having as background the debate on climate protection, the show focuses on a topical issue. And it is that the concepts of light constructions play an important role where you have to move or accelerating masses. Reducing weight, they help to save fuel in road and air traffic; the construction of machinery and facilities allow a greater acceleration once the necessary rigidity. Even sectors that not focused until now saving materials study increasingly light constructions due to rising prices of raw materials.

    Modern developments in materials, innovative concepts of assembling and Union, as well as highly integrated mixed and modular buildings today extend the field of application of the concepts of light constructions. To respond to them with the technologies of manufacturing - starting with the primary casts, through the transformation and chip startup until the Assembly and Assembly technologies - conclusive production solutions are needed.

    The Symposium offers a panoramic view on the current state of the developing-ment of concepts of light constructions and of them derives requirements for future processes of production. At the same time be mues-tran solutions from all sectors of the manufacturing technologies that can meet these requirements in a way akin to the coti-diana practical and profitable.

    The presentation is aimed at specialists of sectors manufacturers and users working from a planning and conversion up to the realization of concepts of light from any buildings.

    "Eastern Europe" international economic symposium

    In EMO Hannover meet high-level manufacturing technologies executives who want to promote your business on a global scale. EMO Hannover economic Symposium offers first-hand support. On September 19, 2007 this symposium will address the topic: "Central and Eastern Europe - opportunities and risks of an expanding market"

    Seven blocks a statement of issues such as the economic situation of the various markets, the conditions for the structuring of the distribution, manufacturing and service suggestions to structure appropriate networks, political and legal particularities, financing of possible activities in Europe of the East and many other issues. Research-specific cos studies show how to do things well and where obstacles and traps are hidden.

    Everything is aimed at the management level of enterprises, which is responsible for strategic decisions turn.

    The value of training for the professional relay

    Under the motto "Builder of machinery - a profession with luminaire" continues at EMO Hannover 2007 the successful campaign to enhance the professional relief in the construction of machine tools. Since 1998 takes place in all the trade fairs of VDW. So far they have been reported here as more than 50,000 young people on professions, requirements, content works - les and possibilities of career in the construction of machinery.

    The international economic environment offers condi organizations best to trade fair success

    The world is the market of the exhibitors of EMO Hannover. Its commercial success at the fair and in the posferial season depends firstly of international demand of machine tools.

    This demand increases steadily since 2003. Asian markets continue to be characterized by its high dynamism of demand. However Europe and Germany in turn participate in it. With 16 percent, the folder's orders in Europe increased in 2006 very above the had-tual. In addition, Europeans imported large numbers of machine tools to serve their own markets. Why is here offered great potential for good business. As largest manufacturer and largest market of Europe, Germany is a heavyweight in the European ranks. Last year, the percentage of order bookings increased at the same time in double digits.

    With 16 percent, the folder's orders in Europe increased in 2006 very above the had-tual

    In 2006, his third year of boom, the world production of machine-tools-lie grew 10 per cent to 47.400 million euros. A range of short-term indicators points out that this success will continue in the current year. This is backed by the high rate of orders, the inversio-nes in growing equipment at global level and robust global demand for machine tools. Accordingly, the experts forecast further increase in the production of a 5 per cent for international construction machinery industry.

    The experts forecast further increase in the production of a 5 per cent for international construction machinery industry

    This can enhance the success of EMO Hanover 2007. All the information-cias corroborate the fact that trade fair innovations offer additionally increases the willingness to invest. The views of many exhibitors at EMO showed in 2005 that the positive climate of investment during the fair generated a turnover much greater than expected, and that it also continued its positive impact on the businesses of exhibitors long even after close of the fair.


    Participation offers great opportunities for visitors

    The Spanish economy has for many years to grow above the prome - gave the EU. Industry contributes something less than 20 per cent to that impressive - lie. Metal processing and machine building are among the most important industrial sectors of the country.

    In the performance of the Spanish industry capacity, modern machine tools, such as nerve nucleus of industrial production, play an important role. The same Spanish machine tool industry is one of the significant actors at the global level. In 2006 he was the number 9 position among the largest producers, the number 12 among the largest markets and exporting, as well as the number 17 position between large importers. 47 Percent of domestic demand is covered by imports.

    The same Spanish machine tool industry is among the significant actors at the global level

    German products enjoy great fame. Consistent Alema-nia is, after Italy, the second provider more amount of Spanish machine tool market.

    From the German perspective, Spain was ranked number 12 in its export markets last year. After two good years, supplies declined by 3 percent last year. In 2006 were provided machines amounting to EUR 180 million. Sold a wide range of technologies, especially mechanization centers, laser, ultrasounds, ions and Jet of plasma, parts and accessories, as well as grinders, rectificadoras-bruñidoras, lapeadoras and grinding.

    From the German perspective, Spain ranked number 12 number of export markets last year

    For Spanish users of machine tools, EMO Hannover 2007 offers countless impulses to solve their particular problems in manufacturing. In 2005 more than 2,500 visitors moved from Spain to EMO. Therefore they are contained in the list of the 10 leading groups for the number of visitors. As in any other fair processing of the metal on a global scale, trade visitors of EMO can compa-rar the international offer in its entirety, as well as the different technologies, from the simple machine to the complex installation of manufacturing, and ele-gir then most suitable for your requirements.

    Spanish machine tool manufacturers also show a strong presence in EMO Hannover. Also contained here between major contingent of international exhibitors. 71 Exhibitors with over 6,700 square metres of net exhibition area have registered so far. In 2005 were 78 exhibitors with about 7,400 square meters. So the potential has not yet been exhausted.

    All Spanish machine tool producers wishing to cement his position in the global market is virtually an obligation to participate in EMO Hannover, since nor they must present their performance capabilities in a competitive international environment to an international professional audience eager to and able to make investments.

    EMO Hannover 2007 offers even greater potential. Not only the economy makes blowing strong wind in its sails. Germany is in turn the market more desta-cado for Spanish suppliers of machine tools. However, last year the supplies fell. And this must be against it. In 2006, from the German perspective they fell by 4% to 50 million euros. Especially mandrilado-ras, combined mandriladoras-fresadoras, parts and accessories, as well as milling machines have been supplied.

    VDW - organiser of EMO Hannover

    For over 115 years, VDW (Association German for manufacturers of machine tools), Frankfurt am Main, is the spokesperson for the German machine tool industry. Along with the professional grouping of machine tools and manufacturing systems, grouped in the VDMA (German Association for construction of machinery and facilities), VDW has approx. 270 partners that have joined voluntarily, and strove-so almost 90 per cent of the turnover of the sector. VDW represents the interests of their members at national and international levels.

    Saving of raw materials is the driving force

    Light constructions is of itself a topic "hot" in many areas of the capital goods industry. Each time they acquire more news about the background of the passionate debates on the protection of the climate. In all of the considerations made in industry and science, the driving force is the increasing need to reduce weight to save raw materials and energy. But it is also to preserve the stability needed for the operation of the "light" pieces.

    Here is the technique of manufacturing", points out Matthias Kleiner, President of the German society of research and member of the Steering Committee of the Institute of light constructions and transformation technique in the University of Dortmund. "On the one hand, of the aviation industry and automotive customers always want more and lose more weight and another, integrate more and more functions in the components." The lightweight construction is a common task of building techniques, materials and manufacturing.

    It is working intensively on processes of mechanization for lightweight materials. Investigated the range, from the initial modeling to the transformation, the boot of shavings and assembling and mounting techniques. However, the future focus of research and development shall comprise manufacturing strategies and dimensioning, said Kleiner. Only then is can move effectively products increasingly more complex from the idea to industrial application, passing through the prototype.

    The international technical symposium to be held in the EMO Hannover 2007 clarifies where is heading exactly this trip, both for users and production technique. On September 18, 2007 in manufacturing experts will discuss "Intelligent lightweight construction - challenge to the modern technique of production". Wielders of the aviation and space, navigation of the automotive and machine building industry will describe the requirements posed by modern concepts of lightweight construction and the technique of production necessary to do so. manufacturers of machine tools and components will present examples of solutions for the implementation of these requirements.

    The EMO exhibition in Hannover is held from 17 to 22 September. It is the largest and most international meeting point for the world to manufacture technique. The EMO shows all the technologies used in the treatment of metals, machine tools with boot of shavings and die-casting as heart of the industrial manufacturing, systems and components for automation, systems of measurement, testing and quality managementmachines and systems for the construction of tools and moulds and much more. Part of the target visitors of EMO group the major industrial sectors such as the construction of machinery and equipment, the industry of the automobile industry and its suppliers, technical Aeronautics and aerospace, precision mechanics and optics, naval construction, technical medical, construction of tools and moulds, light and steel constructions. 1.875 Exhibitors from 39 countries at 158,000 square metres of net exhibition area have registered to date. The latest edition of the show, the EMO Hannover 2005, attracted more than 160,000 specialized visitors from more than 80 countries.

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