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Endesa launches FASTO, the new fast-charge point with all three connector types currently used in the market

Redacción Futurenergy19/11/2013

Enel and Endesa today unveiled FASTO, their new fast-charge point for electric vehicles that can charge any electric vehicle now available in the market. To do this, FASTO, or Fast Together,is equipped with the three types of fast charging connectors available today:
CCS Connector. The Combined Charging System, or CCS, has been adopted by US and European manufacturers such as BMW, Daimler, Ford, General Motors, Volkswagen, SEAT, Audi and Porsche. It is a fast-charge format that can also deliver up to 100 kW of power in a continuous current. The deployment of the charging infrastructure and of EVs using this connector is now commencing in Europe with the first cars due to reach the market in Spring 2014.
IEC 62196-2 Connector. This AC fast-charge standard is promoted by BYD of China and Renault. Enel and Endesa’s partnership with the Renault group has enabled the charger to work perfectly with this format, reaching a power level of 43 kW.
CHAdeMO connector. This is the fast-charge system mainly used by Japanese firms such as Nissan and Mitsubishi which has been on the market since 2009. It is designed to charge in a continuous current at power levels of up to 100 kW for ultra-fast charges, although vehicles now available in the market are capable of charging at 50 kW, and it can add 60 kilometres of range in 10 minutes.
In recent years, Enel Group has worked closely with all players in the e-mobility sector and, in particular, with vehicle manufacturers to ensure compatibility of all the EV recharging product developed by the Enel Group. The last of this product portfolio is FASTO, the solution to provide recharging facilities to companies acting as service provider, like Spanish Gestor de Recarga. FASTO has being presented today at the stands of the Volkswagen/SEAT group (CCS+ IEC 62196-2 version) and Circutor (three types of fast-charge connectors version) in the International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, EVS 27, which is currently being held in Barcelona.
FASTO: a fully configurable model
The new fast-charge point of Enel and Endesa is fully configurable by future clients such as charge operators that seek to deploy a fast-charge network. Its features include the following:
Between 1 and 3 connectors: The new charge point may have one, two or three connectors depending on the type of EVs on the road in a given region just as we can select different types of petrol in a service station. This ensures the ability to service all users with any electric vehicle model they may drive.
Ad-hoc power. Allows for setting the power of the charge point to between 20 kW and 50 Kw, depending on the use given to the charger and on the available power. As a general rule, the 50 Kw option is indicated for service stations on motorways or fast roads in metropolitan settings, with charging times of 15 to 30 minutes, while the 20 kW option is designed for shopping centres or car parks, where a vehicle is parked for between 30 and 60 minutes.
With or without storage. FASTO can come equipped with energy storage systems and incorporate renewable energy sources, which can temporarily disconnect the charge from the electricity grid, thus eliminating peaks in electricity demand and providing stability to the distribution network.
Customisable. It includes an advanced management system that allows customers (and charge operators) to operate the unit easily and configure the interface (the screen or the options) to best suit their needs and preferences. It also enables remote management of the unit in order to ensure customers receive high-quality assistance and service. The remote management system includes smart grid functionalities such as the ability to configure available power or charge preferences in real time, in accordance with, for example, the availability of power from renewable generation sources.
Scalable. FASTO comes in different versions whose scalability make them easily adaptable.
Vandal-proof. FASTO’s original design reflects Endesa’s experience in prior projects to demonstrate fast charging. Hence, it includes new functionalities, such as the ability to store connectors and hoses in a compartment that cannot be accessed without authorisation, which is especially designed for public settings such as electric taxi ranks.

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