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Acciona is awarded the Baja California Sur V power plant in Mexico for 77 million euros

Redacción Futurenergy30/05/2014
Acciona se adjudica la central eléctrica de Baja California V
Acciona se adjudica la central eléctrica de Baja California V

Acciona has been awarded a €77 million ($107 million) contract by Mexico’s Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) to design, procure, build and commission a 46.8MW thermal power station in the state of Baja California Sur.
The plant, called Baja California V, will be located in La Paz, the state capital and will be brought into service in June 2016.

The thermal power plant will make use of residual fuel oil to generate electricity from internal combustion motors. The technology re-uses oil residues in order to optimize the crude oil cycle and minimize its environmental impact in a region of great ecological value like the Baja California peninsula.

The power plant will meet the state’s energy efficiency goals by complying with the World Bank’s international emissions standards. To contribute to this end, ACCIONA has designed and will install an innovative NOX (nitrogen oxide) Emissions Reduction System to mitigate the power plant’s impact on the environment.

The Baja California Sur thermal power complex already has four phases in operation. ACCIONA designed and built Phase III, which entered into operation at the end of 2012, and has now been awarded the contract for an additional 46:8MW of power in Phase V. The new plant will supply electricity to La Paz and nearby tourist resorts. Its output will be sufficient to meet the demand of 200,000 people. ACCIONA has a strong track record in building energy infrastructure to meet Mexico’s growing demand.

In addition to the two thermal power stations in Baja California Sur, ACCIONA is the largest producer of renewable energy in Mexico with 556.5MW, or 28% of the total installed wind capacity in the country at the end of 2013. ACCIONA recently won a contract to build two wind farms totaling 252MW, which will be supplied with ACCIONA Windpower turbines, in the state of Nuevo Leon. The wind farms are for a group of investors led by Blackstone, the US investment group, and Cemex, the largest cement producer in the Americas.ACCIONA also installed a state-of-the-art 135 MW Natural Gas Turbine Plant for the CFE in January 2014, which is now in operation.

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