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Chronicle of the XIX Congress of machine tools and manufacturing technology

Technological innovations come to stay and evolve

Gotzon Gastelurrutia, Gastelu Tools, S.L.18/07/2013

Machine tool and manufacturing technology, Congress organized by the AFM - Association of machine tool manufacturers, accessories, components and tools - held in the Parque Tecnológico de San Sebastian last 12 to June 14, brought together companies, research centres, training centres related to the machining and advanced manufacturing technologies with the aim of sharing knowledge and experiences. Among the issues addressed, the afternoon of June 12 was dedicated to a special session: 'Additive manufacturing' while that afternoon of the 13 special session was: ' composite materials. The Aeronautics to the automotive industry '. In this article, we pick up a chronicle of both sessions. Full papers will be published throughout next numbers Interempresas Metalmecánica and technical publishing and technology thanks to the agreement reached between the Publisher and AFM /Invema, Conference organizers, according to which Interempresas is made with the exclusive right to the publication of all the papers presented at the Congress.

At the meeting dedicated to the additive manufacturing, the moderator, Aitzol Lamikiz (UPV/EHU), presented these technologies in tone relaxed, as "the demon", by the paradigm shift that is manufactured by adding material rather than remove it - start - or deforming it, 'classical' systems of mechanization.

In machining we have various elements that explain the exploration of different ways of addressing the resolution of a piece. Usually on startup, we have a great loss of material. In some materials the same costs are a big determinant. The complexity of the parts is another factor that limits the capacity of execution by classical methods. The need for unitary or short series would be a problematic third element.

Presentation of the Congress by the makers of AFM / Invema and local authorities

Presentation of the Congress by the makers of AFM / Invema and local authorities.

Additive manufacturing comes to respond to these problems, changing the concept of manufacturing boot or deformation, by the contribution of material layer to layer. It provides material for contour. There is a saving of material, really complex and unitary or short series parts can be manufactured.

Since the first teams of 'Stereolithography' - STL-, until the new compact units of printers in 3D, with contribution of PLA, ABS, developing at an unusual speed, have passed 20 or 25 years.
Capabilities have been multiplied and in inverse proportion, prices are falling.

There are projects based on 'Crownfounding' on the Internet to raise capital and develop these technologies, free communities - type 'RepRap', developments in the research centers and universities and also companies offering a growing variety of additive manufacturing solutions. And we are starting.
The strategic importance of these technologies is reflected in two facts that we must make us think in times of economic adjustment and it seems that only settings. The Government of the United States U is supporting research on additive manufacturing with $ 45 million. In Germany the endowment of the Institute Fraunhofer is 20 million euros.


José Ignacio Torrecilla, President of AFM

José Ignacio Torrecilla, President of AFM.

Precisely Gerhard Backes (ILT-Fraunhofer) presented the University campus of Aachen, where students and researchers, as a reference center in Germany.

His work focuses on the LMD - Laser Metal Deposition - aircraft components and repairs. As an example he presented the work done at the Rolls Royce BR715 turbines in repair of the blades of the turbines. Experimentation has led them to develop nozzle - nozzle-adapted to your problems, how to avoid pores, cracks, equivalent substrates and appropriate dimensional characteristics.

The presentation of a Steward Williams of Cranfield University focused on time improvements obtained in welding by deposition of material for Aeronautics structures. Since 2006 working with titanium, stainless and titanium.

Dominguez and ITP saw in the title of his paper described the situation: 'State of the art and planned evolution of the additive manufacturing in ITP'. With works in several areas: SMD - not structural features; SLM - Instrumentation; LMD - INCO781, MM24LC, Ti6Al4v, explained that there is scope for developments, keeping the lines of research.

For its part, the team of the University of the Basque country - UPV/EHU-Tabernero, Lamikiz, order, Lobato and Nekane, working in the design and manufacture of a nozzle - Nozzle - coaxial discrete, filler material. From the "hero side Nozzle can make own developments", explained.

Also, Lambarri, Leunda, Garcia-navas, Sanz (of Tekniker-IK4) and Yáñez (of the University of A Coruña) explained their laboratory work on the manufacture of aeronautical parts of Inconel 718 through contribution. Laboratory scientific methodology involves the use of statistical methods, polynomial models, analyze influence of penetration, the use of specimens for hardness tests, an analysis of macrostructures (500 x - 1.000 x), 2, 2\1kW\2Yik-Yak, 6 axes robot, optics of 0.6 mm, limit collimation, preliminary analysis, optimal conditions, contribution of massive cords, mechanical treatments, etc. Ultimately, applied research and practice.

Arantza Tapia, Minister of economic development and competitiveness of the Basque Government, the presentation of the Congress...

Arantza Tapia, Minister of economic development and competitiveness of the Basque Government, the presentation of the Congress.

The Conference, more visual and perhaps most spectacular session corresponded to Alvarez, Garciandia and IK4-Lortek Gurmendi referred to the additive manufacturing of metallic materials, which exhibited a collaboration in the elaboration of part of a human jaw damaged by cancer. The technology used is SLM - Selective Laser Melting-. It is a powder and laser in a controlled oxygen environment. They departed from a 2D computer tomography. With MIMICS other separated water, bone and flesh with grey scales, processed with 3-Matic; design of the plate bracket; Magics RP the STL to check, design and manufacturing and software data performing for the execution first bracket in AISI 316 - to support the jaw to the removed part affected and subsequently to run the item is Ti - substitution.

The possibilities that open up additive manufacturing technologies are the next industrial revolution
Communication, information, dissemination are basic elements in the development of new technologies. It is in our hand that knowledge allows advanced societies technical, social and personal

Composites. From aerospace to automotive

In the 13-day session, presented by Frank Girot as Chairman of the Board, Pedro Nugueroles presented the work of the Fidamc - Foundation for research, development and application of materials compounds-.

Always in direct collaboration with Airbus, linking the growing use of carbon fibre Aeronautics with the growing demands in all aspects of quality, versatility, safety of a sector which, paradoxically, is very conservative in the introduction of new solutions. In 1975 the carbon fiber accounted for 15% of the aircraft components and it is now in the around 55%. The trend until at least 2018, is that it continues to grow. Trials carried out in FIDAMC are linked to production.

Meanwhile, Alberto Peña of Tecnalia presented evolution in the use of composites in automotive, as growing usage trend whenever solutions design and implementation are out of autoclave. "It should advance in the non-destructive analysis", he explained.

But possibly Dr. Plath de Wolkswagen starred more enjoyable, visual and impressive exhibition. Under the heading 'Current and future perspectives in the use of materials in automotive and in particular in the Volkswagen Group composites', exhibited the strategies of composite materials in the car maker. It aims to become the world's first manufacturer in 2018 and their work focuses on reducing CO2 emissions and work in the "lightweight design" using carbon fibers and composites. To do this work in lower cost of carbon fiber by 50%, reduce the cost of manufacturing of the fiber 90% thanks to the path of carbon fiber project - e.g.LIGNIN.

As in previous editions, the Congress registered a large influx of visitors

As in previous editions, the Congress registered a large influx of visitors.

Materials test examines the material and valued the improvement in the ratio weight/function
The concept of MIX: fiber composite/plastic, carbon fiber, aluminum, aluminum steel, steel
It highlights the trend towards the increased use of fiber composite/plastics and fibers of carbon front of metals

The SGL group is one of the leading manufacturers of carbon fibers and Georg Gormanns introduced attendees in composite materials for Aerospace carbon fiber. With 26 plants in Europe of composites and carbon fibres, in the aeronautical sector there are products whose references can give an idea of the situation: Panox, Sigratex, and Multiaxial NCF, braded carbon fiber preforms, USC, structural reinforces based. Stress fibers and prepreg products based on epoxy, already used from 2011 in the Airbus A350 and the Tiger - Airbus A440M helicopter is using carbon - fiber.

The evolution of products semi-finished products in series facilitates their use, making increasingly competitive composites - carbon fibres.

On the other hand, the presentation by Jon Aurrekoetxea on the RTM, compression for fibers (Polytechnic University of Valencia) presented a panorama of a very active market in the use of fibers. The example of a BMC bicycles factory Switzerland is paradigmatic: made in Switzerland by automating in RTM. Make connections with short-fiber plastic, which makes the box easier and make viable their production.
There are movements of purchase of strategic enterprises in automotive: textiles with carbon, glass and aramid. There is already a joint-venture between SGL and BMW which work in epoxy that heal in 2', RTM Resin Transfer Moulding with increasing permeation times and increases in porosity. The aim is to achieve a reduction of time and simplify processes to increase the use. It is estimated that a 30% cost reduction, would bring an increase of 300 percent.

Joseba Pujana of IK4-Tekniker presented studies that have been made in the manufacture of machine tool with carbon fiber components - composites.
The presented study was about a RAM of boring of carbon fiber, subjected to a battery of laboratory tests looking for comparison of behavior with one of conventional steel. Currently there are several options of RAM of carbon fiber in the market: Toshiba Compotech, Tekniker, University of Brescia.
The conclusion is that they are still expensive, it is not easy to meet all the characteristics of the steel, should assess the meaning of work, so that opinion is that they should evolve since there are dynamic advantages, but they have many drawbacks.


Rest and visit of the stands

Rest and visit of the stands.

Manuel Mutiloa, MTorres, exhibited the capacity of adaptation of the MTorres group in the application of carbon fiber in parts. The videos exposed by applying carbon on the wings of large aircraft gave an idea of the dimensions, precision and quality products of MTorres.

The last paper of the evening came from Franck Girot (UPV ENSAM) on the machining of composites. Among the particularities that have the mechanization of fibers and composites is the microvitura powder (carbon and glass), the problem increase as speed increases. The need for a proper suction, adaptation of the machine and the increase in prevention.

The characteristics of the fibres, aramid, carbon fiber, ceramic, fiberglass require tools and conditions appropriate to each.


The use of fibers and composites increases and consolidates its position in aeronautics - improvement of yields, reduction of weight, despite the price factor - and can peel fast automotive with a small reduction in price of product and processes, improvements in behavior and weights are shown.

Relative articles to the reports of the XIX Congress of Machines-Tool and Technologies of Manufacture

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