Interviews and opinion

Entrevista a Marcos Badenes, gerente de Aldefe

20 agosto, 2014
La Asociación de Explotaciones Frigoríficas, Logística y Distribución de España (Aldefe) acoge en la actualidad a 43 empresas de almacenamiento frigorífico y logística refrigerada, que gestionan 50 instalaciones con una superficie total de 1.906.697 metros cúbicos de capacidad entre frigorífica y refrigerada...

Interview to Francisco López Canís, president of the Group Gourmets

24 febrero, 2014
The quality of our gastronomy and of our fish, meats, vegetables, oils, wines and products delicatessen is unquestionable. They enjoy of the recognition in our country and further of our borders and suppose a catchword irresistible for those tourists that arrive attracted by something more than 'the sun and beach' of the years of the decade of 1960. However, we can or we have to promote us more and better...

Interview to Pol Lligoña, director of Logistics of Caprabo

21 octubre, 2013
The logistical model always comes conditioned by the model of business. Caprabo has supermarkets of vicinity, with a wide assortment and with a presence “prioritaria” of the cool products. Like this, as it describes Pol Lligoña, director of Logistics of the company, “the supply is more complex that perhaps some another operator of the market”. Lligoña Explains in this interview his experience in on-line purchase and the importance to manage properly the chain of supply...

Interview to Francisco Carrió, general director of Alimentary Exhibitions

20 marzo, 2012
“The fairs are the mirror of an industrial state”. It says it Francisco Carrió, general director of Alimentary Exhibitions, of actuality in front of the celebration of Alimentary 2012, of the 26 to 29 March in the Big enclosure Via, of Fira of Barcelona. A contest that posits like main diffuser of knowledge about the sector agroalimentario, but also of our gastronomic culture...

Each European wastes 179 kilos of foods to the year

24 enero, 2012
The European Parliament has approved a report that proposes to change the rule on the labelled of foods for clarificar his period of useful life and reduce to the half the wasteful of in good condition food, that at present rises to 179 kilos by inhabitant and year in Europe, after the Italian euro-deputy Salvatore Caronna (S&D) presented the report. This means that in the European Union throw every year almost 90 million tonnes of in good condition products...

Interview to Lorraine Albella, director of Marketing of easyFairs Iberia

21 diciembre, 2011
In a moment in which a lot of companies question the profitability to participate in a conventional fair, arrives the new concept of easyfairs from Europe. And it has come to remain . His experience in other industrial areas has carried them to creation of fairs, as the one of the easyFairs Modern Restoration that will show the tendencies in urban feeding, collectivities, catering and equipment...

They command the markets, but command bad

24 noviembre, 2011
Command the markets, of this there is not doubt. They dictate and they impose the politics that it is necessary to follow, the measures that it is necessary to take, the cuts, adjust them, the reforms... The rulers act like mere marionetas whose threads are directed by anonymous characters that hide behind the generic euphemism of the markets. They move them to his antojo and sacrifice them when it suits them...