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“Checkpoint Simplifies the labelled in origin”

Interview to Albert Serrano, National Salts Manager Source Tagging of Checkpoint

Nerea Gorriti25/04/2012
In the retail establishments of all the world, the labeling in origin with radiofrecuencia (RF) reduces considerably the losses attributed to the external theft and to the internal theft by part of employees. The retailers sustain that practically any article can be stolen, but the criminals tend to centre in the articles of marks recognised, expensive and those that are attractor trucks for the consumer, according to the World-wide Barometer of the Theft 2011, elaborated by the Centre for Retail Research.

How it is the process of implantation of a label? Which steps have to give?

Checkpoint Systems is a pioneering company in technology of radiofrecuencia that has more than 40 years of experience in this field. By this reason are in conditions to offer a program of labelled in integral origin. In our European Laboratory of Labelled in Origin, realise a test of labelled for the manufacturer where analyse the products (feeding, health and beauty, cárnicos, drunk amongst other) to determine the best label anti-theft and the most suitable location.
Albert Serrano, National Salts Manager Source Tagging of Checkpoint, in the European laboratory with one of the articles protected...
Albert Serrano, National Salts Manager Source Tagging of Checkpoint, in the European laboratory with one of the articles protected.

Why label in origin?

Increasingly the personnel of shop is devoting his time to assist to the customers and promote the sales. It does not remain neither time neither resources to place labels in the shop. The solution goes through the labelled in origin. The labelled in origin allows that an article arrive to the shop directly to the shelving, properly labelled and smart for his sale. Of this way, the product is protected in free service, avoiding that it was shut in the vitrinas or in protective boxes, situating it near at hand of the consumer and like this increased the purchase by impulse and the sales.
Example of application
Example of application.

How they are the labels for the cool foods?

Chekpoint Has of the labels 2010 Food Safe for the cool foods packagings (meat, fish, cheese, fruit, delicatesen, etc.) The label 2010 Food Safe Poly Poly is recognised for his use in direct contact with the foods with the certificate Isega and like this adapting to the European norms on the packaging of foods. Also it possesses the certification TÜV for his use in microwave ovens.

For the solution of spotting (the integration of a label of radiofrecuencia in the label of mark or of variable data (weigh/price) Checkpoint offers the label ultra fine 2010 Food Safe PET PET, that allows a quality of optimum impressesion.

Another example of labels that can integrate additional information of the product
Another example of labels that can integrate additional information of the product.

It put an example of product…

Every time they are more the manufacturers of frescos (for example in the case of the cárnicos) that opt by this solution owing to the high index of theft, so that his products arrive to the shop protected and smart for his sale.
The laboratory studies each case until giving with the solution that more adjust to the need of the perfectionist and of the manufacturer...
The laboratory studies each case until giving with the solution that more adjust to the need of the perfectionist and of the manufacturer.

What would occur with other no recognised labels?

The labels that are not recognised for cold environingingments can desvirtuar the frequency of the labels anti-theft. This could cause that no desactivase the label, something that is even worse that if it is not detected. Imagine a Saturday in the morning: a customer with a purchase of products in a car, goes out of the establishment and the systems anti-theft of Checkpoint give alarm of theft. It would be something very annoying, that we avoid.
Certificate Isega
Certificate Isega.

What would occur with other no recognised labels?

Yes, occurs with frequency. The theft arrives to such levels that the manufacturers, touching the minimum possible the system, have to change his form to work. At present, even the tablets of Avecrem steals a lot, a more economic product that others that steal , but such is the degree of theft that are look for a solution. The difficulty? That it is a packaging small and fine.

Curious also is the case of the footwear…

It is it. The labels for footwear are specific and go integrated cheese cheese in the shoe in origin, during the process of manufacture. His design patented and subjected to proofs and previous examinations in laboratories of investigation, results only regarding other labels for protection in origin of the market.