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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Fivin se reúne con Ana Mato, ministra de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad

Fivin Gathers with Ana Kill, minister of Health, Social Services and Equality


18 June 2012

A delegation of the sector headed by the president of the Spanish Federation of the Wine and of the Oemv, Félix Solís, gathered with the minister of Health, Social Services and Equality, Ana Kill. The sector of the wine was represented in addition to by the president of the FEV; by Brave Sunday, general secretary of the Foundation for the investigation of the Wine and the Nutrition (Fivin); representatives of the FEV, Christian Barré, cicepresidente of the FEV; Pau Rock and Susana García, general secretary and general assistant secretary of the FEV, respectively, and Rafael of Rey, general director of the OeMv.

During the meeting the sector exposed to the minister his worry by the politics of public health that come dictated from international instances in which it does not distinguish the consumption of the abuse, neither there is a recognition to the patterns of suitable consumption, as what follows the consumers of wine, that do not achieve but deslegitimar the product in front of the society.

The FEV demands to the Ministry a greater implication in the design of these politics and offers to help in the design of effective tools and no indiscriminadas that they contribute to paliar the problem of unsuitable consumption of alcohol in the society. The sector of the wine does not turn away to these problems of inappropriate consumption, especially between the most sensitive communities to the problem as it is the case of the youngsters. Like this, they carry out numerous educational and formative activities for the diffusion of the correct guidelines of consumption, tied to the moderation and to the feeding, from the convencimiento that the model of the wine can be part of the solution for paliar the derivative problems of the abuse of the alcohol.

All these exposed activities come carrying out in the frame of the program 'Wine in Moderation', for the diffusion of the message of moderation in the consumption of wine and the education of the consumer. The program 'Wine in Moderation' forms part of the commitment of the sector vitivinícola European, in the frame of the Strategy EU in matter of Alcohol and Health, to do an effective and active contribution to the society in front of the problems that causes the alcohol, based in the science, the information, the education in wide sense, and the autorregulación sectorial.

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