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News que hacen referencia a Pacte Industrial de La Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona



The 'Pacte Industrial of the metropolitan region of Barcelona' incorporates new members

On February 4 met the Executive Committee of the ' Pacte Industrial of the metropolitan region of Barcelona', chaired by Carles Ruiz Novella... [+]

The Generalitat creates the 'information system of the industrial parks of Catalonia'

The Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya has launched the ' information system of the industrial parks of Catalonia which aims to build a directory of the existing estate, whose main characteristic is to be the first and only cover all the Catalan territory. [+]

The Pacte Industrial in the metropolitan region of Barcelona celebrates 10 years

Picture of The Pacte Industrial in the metropolitan region of Barcelona celebrates 10 years
The Association "Pacte industrial of the metropolitan region of Barcelona" was born in 1997 with the aim of achieving a partnership between public administrations, business organisations and trade unions to boost the competitiveness of the area that encompasses the aforementioned metropolitan region of Barcelona (RMB)... [+]

Born the first Industrial Atlas in the metropolitan region of Barcelona

Picture of Born the first Industrial Atlas in the metropolitan region of Barcelona
The study was made possible by the cooperation between Barcelona Regional and Pacte Industrial. [+]

Pacte Industrial held its IX General Council

Picture of Pacte Industrial held its IX General Council
The Association of the Pacte Industrial of the metropolitan region held its IX General Council, where he took the opportunity to present SIMAE, the new technology platform that backbone information of Pacte concerning economic activities within the territory in mid-July. Its main objective is to create new synergies between companies within the metropolitan area... [+]
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