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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El sector logístico debate un año más sobre su futuro
The Debates Icil gather to 300 professionals in the Municipal Palace of Congresses of Madrid

The logistical sector debate a year more on his future

Ricard Arís24/11/2011

25 November 2011

A year more, the Debates Icil gathered to the logistical sector to speak on the subjects that will be tendency in the next years. With a format renewed, the debates of this year treated on the future of the train, on the Servucción, on the development of the electronic trade (B2C) and on the called competitiveness colaborativa.

The first of the tables versó on one of the recurrent subjects in the logistical world, the train. With the title 'For the small carrier the future is in the train?', the speakers invited analysed the situation of this transport in concrete and the reasons by which does not finish of despegar in matter of transport of commodities, when it is so profitable results in the transport of passengers.

The speakers invited were Manuel Villalante, general director of Transport of the Ministry responsible for public works, José María Loyal, director of Logistics of Nutrexpa, Jaume Bonavía, general director of Bishop Logistics, José Antonio Gozalo, director intermodal of Luis Simoes and Daniel Lebreton, commercial director of Autoroutes Ferroviaries Services-Lorry Rail. Jaime Looks, technical director of the Foundation Icil, moderated the debate. On the other hand, it boosted the participation with the public more than in previous debates, with the approach of questions as “they use in the actuality the train?”, to which the presents answered by means of technological devices that gave an immediate answer. In this case the percentage was definite: Only 27% answered that YES, whereas 73% manifested that NO.

Pere Rock, president of the Executive Committee of the Foundation Icil, during his inaugural speech of the 7ª edition of the Debates...
Pere Rock, president of the Executive Committee of the Foundation Icil, during his inaugural speech of the 7ª edition of the Debates.

The first in taking part, Manuel Villalante, bet by a no radial model of the rail map Spanish, in addition to affirming that the future of the logistical sector does not go through the administrations, that “can help, but the trains have to fill”. Also it reported that “Renfe has not believed never in the commodities”, but on the other hand thought that they will finish doing “the five rail runners because there are a lot of already done works”. Also it explained that “investing 7.000 million euros (exactly the current investment), in 2020 would be all finished”. It schedules that they would have to be finished in 2030.

The own moderador of the debate, Jaime Looks, thought on the subject affirming that “Adif is doing it fatal, expels to the companies. The engine driver has to pay 90.000 euros to do something that has been doing the last 30 years”. On the other hand, it commented that the problematic that exists today in the transport of roads is fault of Brussels, “to the road –sentenced– have loaded it to him the European legislations”.

The members of the first table of debate, moderated by Jaime Looks, the third by the left
The members of the first table of debate, moderated by Jaime Looks, the third by the left.

By his part, Jaume Bonavía, of Bishop Logistics, analysed the sector of the train affirming that “it Is missing more planning, have to bet for scheduling more”. To the Administration asked him that “they simplify the formalities to command commodities to other countries like France or Portugal”. Bonavía Also bet by the multimodalidad, explaining that train and road are complementary and criticised that “all the world goes to the comfortable, the road” when they exist other options.

In this sense, Manuel Villalante commented that “there will be helps to the intermodalidad, headed to operators. On the other hand, it announced that “we want to create a big logistical area in the north of Catalonia that serve to go in in France”. Regarding his diagnostic on the railway, concluded saying that “we go by good way to European level, but perhaps no to the suitable speed. Thinking on the intermodalidad, José María Loyal, of Nutrexpa, said that “the people is desirous to use it, but still is not sufficiently mature”. It predicted also that when it finish the crisis, will be missing transport.

The Servucción

Ricardo Catelli, director of Innovation and Development of the Foundation Icil, moderated the second debate on the Servucción, that is to say, the management of operations in the companies of services. Basing in the question “Is an operative reality?”, the speakers that debated on the question were Mariano Sanz, commercial technical director of Eulen Logistical Services, Alberto Sancho, director of operations of Logifrío, Enric Parera, commercial director of ToolsGroup, Enrique Sánchez, general director of MRW Logistical, Leandro García, general director of the Foundation Valencia Port, and Diego Forgive, commercial general director of Spain and Portugal of Maersk Line.

The debates gave foot to the participation of the present public with questions and statistical

The debate began with a brief initial presentation of the speakers and to continuation launched to the public a question to know which proportion of the assistants were professionally linked to companies of services or of products, giving off that 77% of the people belonged to the first group and 23% to the second. After knowing this segmentation, questioned to the assistants on if they considered that the companies of services understand and know the needs of the customers. The answers delivered in 45% by the HIMSELF and 55% by the NO. That is to say, that self-evident that exists one some distance between provider of service and customer to level of mutual knowledge. Mariano Sanz, of Eulen, answered to the question of the moderador “evolves to what the customer wants?” Affirming that “the most difficult for me is to understand what want to because many times the customer does not know it”.

Of left to right, Mariano Sanz (Eulen), Alberto Sancho (Logifrío), Enric Parera (Toolsgroup), Ricardo Catelli (Foundation Icil)...
Of left to right, Mariano Sanz (Eulen), Alberto Sancho (Logifrío), Enric Parera (Toolsgroup), Ricardo Catelli (Foundation Icil), Enrique Sánchez (MRW Logistical), Leandro García (Foundation ValenciaPort) and Diego Forgive (Maersk Line).

Alberto Sancho, of Logifrío, also signalled that the companies of services have to identify clearly the needs of his customers and satisfy them, but only those that the customer really requires so that the service offered was effective and efficient. If what pretends is to be competitive in price, the company of services does not have to overload of attributes the service because, if they surpass the expectations of the customer, can that the company was not able to translate it in the price. The “all voucher”, up to now argument of market for the companies of services, has to turn into offer only that that the customer was had to receive, because give more services of the necessary can finish putting up the price of the price. On if the services are or no differential factors to be able to compete, Enrique Sánchez, of MRW, puntualizó that what is a differential factor to compete is the innovation that applies to a concrete service.

The future of electronic trade

After the food, the third table of debate was moderated by Pere Rock, president of the Executive Committee of the Foundation Icil, and whose speakers argued the question “Are prepared for the exponential development of the electronic trade?”. The speakers in this occasion were Xavier Soler, reponsable corporate of Logistics and Distribution Privalia, Jaime Fernández de Valderrama, director of Eroski On-line, Natalia Fernández, director of sales of Spain of TXT and-solutions, Luis Inglada, director of Territory, Infraestucturas and Transport of the Institute Cerdà, and Nicolás Mouze, director of Marketing and Sales of DHL Express Iberia.

Xavier Soler, of Privalia, went the first in answering to the question posed affirming that “in 3 or 5 years will develop definitively the and-commerce”. Jaime Fernández bet because “the exponential growth will come with the generations that come”, whereas Natalia Fernández explained that “this growth produces thanks to the technology. It allows us buy and go further. The companies have to be also ready and have to complement with the traditional channel”.

Of left to right, Xavier Soler (Privalia), Jaime Fernández (Eroski), Natalia Fernández (TXT and-solutions), Pere Rock (Foundation Icil)...
Of left to right, Xavier Soler (Privalia), Jaime Fernández (Eroski), Natalia Fernández (TXT and-solutions), Pere Rock (Foundation Icil), Luis Inglada (Institute Cerdà) and Nicolás Mouze (DHL).

Luis Inglada thought that “the society does not go to renounce to the traditional channel”, fact that carried to Nicolás Mouze to remember that “the solution no only is in the sending home, but they also exist others like the point of suitability”. To this, Natalia Fernández argued that “the and-commerce demands that they carry it to you home, since it is one of his big advantages that has”. It added besides that “it does not treat only to put an on-line shop and already is. It has to take care, do a stock, cultivate the loyalty to the consumer and tratanrla like a shop more”.

Collaboration between competition

This last debate, moderated by Luis Doménech, vice-president and director of Training of the Foundation Icil, participated: Ignasi Sayol, director of Operations of CTC Externalización, Andrés Sánchez, vice-president of Product Supply of Affinity Petcare, Cristina Doménech, director of International Trade of Handle, Esteban Vangeli, director of Planning of Chep Division Manufacturers, Antonio Fondevilla, commercial director Spain and Portugal of CEVA Logistics, and Pedro Giménez Alvarez-Quiñones, general director of Conway-The convenience Company.

The last table of debate, that versó on the collaboration between companies that are competition, went one of the most encouraged of the Debates Icil...
The last table of debate, that versó on the collaboration between companies that are competition, went one of the most encouraged of the Debates Icil.

In front of the economic crisis acatual pose some challenges, as the one to collaborate with our competition. For this reason it directed to the public the first question: The business collaboration to achieve the necessary reduction of costs contemplates it eat: To) of very doubtful utility (that it obtained 2%), B) in some case can be interesting (40%), C) is a subject to the that today is necessary to devote him remarkable attention (31%), and D) today is an absolutely strategic subject and prioritario (27%).

After the debate, the last question directed to the public served to ascertain what thinks on the collaboration. Like this, 6% of the public saw the collaboration like an utopia; 38% like a good idea but very difficult to implant to half term; 22% like a good idea that have to analyse from today how implant and 34% like a necessary strategy.

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