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The centre has of a lavandería whose operation bases in the use of technologies of identification by radiofrecuencia (RFID)

Jungheinrich Visits the residence and centre of day Esclat Marina of Barcelona

Editorial Interempresas12/11/2013
The residence and centre of day Esclat Marina is one of the five centres and services that manages the Association Esclat, a no yielding entity that pursues the development and the familiar and social inclusion of the people that suffer cerebral paralysis and other similar disabilities.

The team of steering and coordination of the residence Esclat Marina, emplazada in full heart of the “future” Barcelonan neighbourhood The Prat Vermell, has opened the doors of the centre to receive a little usual visit. Two representatives of Jungheinrich, one of the companies leaders to world-wide level in the sector of the logistics, the maintenance and the flow of materials, have attended to know at first hand how carry to the practice the values that sustain the fight contínua of the Association Esclat for improving the quality of life of the dependent people.

The decoration of the reception alerted to the visitors about the imminent celebration of a party with reason of the night of Halloween. One of the members of the staff of the centre signals to the residents like authors of the figures in paper maché that simulate witches, pumpkins, bats and gravestones, and that earned form in a workshop of handicrafts. The route by the installations of Esclat Marina moves to the group until a room of physiotherapy, where the professionals of Esclat work, by means of diverse technical and devices, the neuromuscular stimulation, the mobility and the balance, and treat to correct patterns posturales pathological of the patients.

The residence Esclat Marina offers 50 residential squares and 30 more in the centre of diurnal attention, of which at present 20 remain vacancies. And it has a team of 50 people, between professionals and voluntary those who, organised by turns, procure attention to all the residents, the 24 hours of the day, every day of the year. In addition to throwing them a hand with his daily routines and to direct them in his therapeutic activities (swimming, hydrotherapy, hipoterapia or therapy assisted with dogs, between other), do not remove them eye of on during the development of the workshops and activities of leisure. Especially those that carry out out of the installations of Esclat Marina.

Technology RFID for formentar the labour insertion in the lavandería

The clothes distributes in the cubeta that corresponds to each resident, without that lose any piece by the way
The clothes distributes in the cubeta that corresponds to each resident, without that lose any piece by the way.
The centre has of a lavandería whose operation bases in the use of technologies of identification by radiofrecuencia (RFID), developed by the department of R+D+I of the occupational centre Esclatec. These skilled technologies have allowed to apply a precise logistics and very reliable to track the clothes of the residents. Each piece incorporates a label RFID that, when going through the reader, identifies automatically to the owner of the piece. In this way, the clothes distributes in the cubeta that corresponds to each resident, without that lose any piece by the way. In addition to following the track to the colada at all times, with this equipment of last generation, is possible to know the record of the piece and have a trazabilidad of practically 100%. And, on the other hand, the domótica of the system makes possible that people with disability can manage the lavandería without requiring external support.

Stimulation of the five senses

In the room multisensorial, in the basement of the building, carry out sessions of work with psychologists, fisioterapeutas and logopedas. The aim is to develop vital and basic skills of the patients and avivar his senses and his capacities of interaction with the surroundings from external stimuli. To boost said stimuli, the team of Esclat has to his disposal a group of technicians, equipment and materials with which work, like tubes of active bubbles, manojos of optical fibres, a mattress of water, a projector of images, a tactile signpost, a balancín or launch-bubbles, among others. As it aims Jordi González, Director of the residence and centre of day Esclat Marina, these elements allow to work fields like the mobility and the communication of the residents.

Sexoafectividad And disability

The sexoafectividad between people with cerebral paralysis is a subject that the association comes working from does years...
The sexoafectividad between people with cerebral paralysis is a subject that the association comes working from does years, like part of his work integrador and normalizador, and that treats to avoid a possible emotional isolation and social.
All the rooms of the residence are domotizadas and have toilet adapted. Esclat Marina has been conceived like a residence with individual rooms to guarantee the privacy and the privacy of the usurios, and also with double rooms, to be able to receive to possible couples that form or that avenge to live. The sexoafectividad between people with cerebral paralysis is a subject that the association comes working from does years, like part of his work integrador and normalizador, and that treats to avoid a possible emotional isolation and social. “With Esclat Marina, have bet by the construction and set up of a residence thought and centred in the person, adjusting us to the direct demands of our users and users”, explains Jordi González.

Crisis and RSC

The group descends by a ramp that connects each one of the six plants of the building and that it is, together with the elevator, the main road that use the residents to displace by his interior. A group of ten youngsters affected by cerebral paralysis is realizar a workshop in a room glazed. They occupy 10 of the 30 available squares in centre of day. The true is that the centre is prepared to receive to 20 people more, but the fact that they remain squares for covering is a question of permissions and formalities, and of subventions that have left to perceive because of the politics of austerity and cuts. Like this it explains it Lola de la Fuente, General Director of Esclat: By all this, the donations of individuals and companies that receive communion with the principles of Esclat have gone back “indispensable” –emphasizes Lola- to be able to survive and keep the quality of the service.

The current coyuntura of economic crisis no only has not motivated the reduction of the economic contributions with social ends by part of Jungheinrich, but these have increased . The director manager of Jungheinrich, Dirk Mirovsky, explains the positioning of the company in the field of the social action: “This is a moment critic for a lot of families, but especially for those dependent people or in risk of social exclusion. Thus we believe in the responsibility to facilitate to the disabled people the access to the labour world and offer them the tools for a development normalised that it allow to improve his quality of life and ensure them an independent future”.

The values of Jungheinrich are fully ranged with the social work realizar by the Association Esclat, by what the company has bet for generating synergies with entities of this type and integrate them in his strategy of Resposabilidad Social Corporate (RSC). Recently Jungheinrich has collaborated with the Association Eclat, Red Cross, the Bank of Foods, the NGO Action Medeor or the Association Trace.

The tour comes to an end, and backwards remain already the witches, the pumpkins and the bats. Today the representatives of Jungheinrich carry a small sample of the excellent work that realizar the professionals of Esclat Marina to preserve the dignity and improve the welfare and the quality of life of the people with disability. Because, as it posed Lola de la Fuente in a moment of the visit, “can go out of the crisis leaving backwards to those who more need our help?”

Mirovsky: "We believe in the responsibility to facilitate to the disabled people the access to the labour world and offer them the tools for a development normalised that it allow to improve his quality of life and ensure them an independent future”.

Related Companies or Entities

Jungheinrich de España, S.A.U.

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