
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at ¿A qué huelen las ferias?

What do they smell fairs?

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/09/2004
The fairs smell strange. Weird, weird. Smell often absence of your environment, many times to business. In the morning to perfumes of all ranges and colors, in the afternoon to wanting to finish. Each exhibition has its own smell. A smell of desperation, others to illusion and new projects, new contacts, new professionals that smells like order. K, since then, part of the latter. Insurance. It is fair that permeates it everything if one is dedicated to this plastics. It pervades which supplies to processors because it has the obligation to be there as well which makes plastic parts. If you plan to make a new investment or simply be aware of what can be done with the latest equipment, more than most, the apotheosis of the technology, is here, in Düsseldorf.

In the evenings it smells like in this beautiful German city Altbier, this beer from Düsseldorf that flows easily given its characteristic viscosity in the Altstadt. But not only there, but also in hidden corners of neighborhoods away from the Centre, the carnies of all kinds are spread by hotels, villas, yachts and private homes which absorb much of the thousands and thousands of visitors who come to this fair.

Among the exhibitors you smell before nerves, to time limits for sending and ride everything on time, but now the sensations are different. The results no longer depend on oneself, and this creates uncertainty. Even they are fundamental questions. Do they serve fairs? Is it profitable to attend a trade fair of this kind? What do they smell fairs?

One thing is certain, if they not ventilated her going to smell 2,900 exhibitors and 200,000 visitors. A fierce attack whose front is moving through the flow of the nasal canals to activate in seller business instinct.

And following with the smells, can you imagine what will that bubble of plastic in which a band of Australian music has gotten in the main station of Melbourne to record a disc with the public as a witness of the whole process? It will last three weeks. The trio Regurgitator, thus they are called, they will be three weeks there inside undergoing live public scrutiny, through the Internet. Well, the experience which gives them the plastic is unique, but they will know: is lost the K fair. And its smell, this scent.

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