
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Aproximarse a la empresa

Approaching the company


The most obvious things are sometimes the most complicated. During the last celebration of the machine tool Congress convened again by Invema, the President of AFM, Rafael Barrenechea, stated that such acts constitute a good opportunity to bring together the academic language of the enterprises.And in fact they are. What happens is that a priori as simple and as often has been the subject of conversations and discussions, does not seem easy to do. We are saturated of similar messages from companies. The argument to adjust the production of the machines to the needs of the clients or collaborating with them from the beginning to learn about the process in its entirety and to thus adapt the teams to the final product is universal. In this line are congresses which always approach your language to the company. Unfortunately this is not always true and many conferences are left in the field of academic or scientific, with a number of speakers of this very predominant sector and a similar situation among the listeners.

But this is not the case of the Congress of Invema, where the percentages of lectures by professionals in universities, technological centres and enterprises cannot be accepted as quite balanced. We can be proud of the technology centres has our sector, at the height of the best, and very focused projects of enterprises. Innovation is a must in this sector as in others and in a terrible global competition environment, differentiation, quality and above all the marketing and service aúpan to the top of the ranking of factors of success.

And here also comes into play the attitude factor.Attitude and desire to improve, and rather than arranged in the continuum of the "is that we have always done so". Our manufacturers of machine tools have a long experience in their respective fields and insurance that are many years of activity which have forced them to make sure that the constant innovation is the best patent for success. The experience is only good if you learn something from it. Is possible, who has been with cases as well, for someone to have a long experience, but it has failed to seize it or, perhaps worse, think that the formula of always, will remain valid for the future. We will always be close to the past, but, above all, we must approach the future.

Related Companies or Entities

Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Máquinas-herramienta, Accesorios, Componentes y Herramientas, AFM
Invema - Fundación de investigación de la máquina-herramienta

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