
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Saber el futuro

Know the future

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/06/2004
The present us has been small. Far away to enjoy the moments, we give the dream of a better time which is yet to come. We plan all months in advance. Companies need to predict, but also in the private sphere we submerged with as much advance in the holiday that when they arrive lose value, escape between the toes, and become the ultimate expression of transience. We want to also know in advance if we have Sun, but we want it in advance, with months if possible. And arise everywhere professionals of the meteorological weather forecasting, another climate, the economic, the next European Championship winner (at the close of this edition has not finalised). Some are absolutely critical. They have no doubts about the future.

Know what is going to happen, have the courage to predict a situation or another is positively valued. One is almost an ignorant if you don't know what will happen. It doesn't matter so much that the future gives the reason or the removed, because if that future is ever already nobody remembers what was said above. And it is in this situation in which those who recognize not knowing what will happen become part of the Group of the brave. Ian Paterson, Member of the Council of management of Bayer MaterialScience has secured in June that if he knew how they will be our homes and our lives by 2020 they would begin to develop ideas right now. "Unfortunately - said - we can not see the future, and since then much less by the year 2020." "But there are methods to make a few predictions and this is precisely the work of our creative Center".

The most current present and the near future have to be confused and you already do not know if the low margins that leave a few more expensive raw materials are something now, before or morning. But the past sheds data more accurate than the future, but not always. Since the end of 2003 to the first quarter of 2004 benzene has risen 11 percent, the phenol 9 per cent, a 12 percent propane and 18 per cent toluene. This is gone, but a past that stains the future of a certain feeling bitter because of the difficulty of pass these costs to the client. A uncertain future? A hopeful future? Who knows, to decide the futurists.

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