
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El mercado de alimentos congelados crece un 3% en el último año, casi el doble que la media de alimentación

The market of foods frozen products grows 3% in the last year, almost the double that the average of feeding


28 March 2012

The market of foods frozen products in our country has grown 3% in the year 2011 with regard to the previous exercise, almost the double of the total growth of feeding in the last year (1,6%). In the actuality, the practical whole of the Spanish homes (99%) has foods frozen products in his usual diet, that represent 6% of his market basket.

This growth in value is especially significant attending to the evolution of the last years. Like this, the market of foods frozen products grew 38% in the last decade. An evolution partly been due to the improvement in the perception that the consumers have of these foods. No in vain, according to the study of the consultora Kantar Worldpanel presented for The Month of the Frozen products in the frame of Alimentary 2012, 53% of the masters of house consulted considers that “the products frozen products are so good like the frescos”, in front of 49% that showed in accordance with this affirmation in the year 2002.

The study of Kantar Worldpanel for The Month of the Frozen products, pioneering initiative in Spain to spread the properties of these foods, coordinated by Aecoc, the business association that groups to near of 25.000 companies, confirms that Catalonia is the Autonomous Community that more spends in this type of products.

Like this, the Catalans devote an annual average of 270 euros by home to the purchase of frozen products packagings, very above the national average (248 euros/year) and by in front of communities like Valencia and Andalucia, that spend 260 annual.

Attending to the consumption in volume, the Andalusian consumers situate in command (57 annual kilos by home), followed of the Valencians (56) and the Catalans (55 kilos). All they above the national average (52 kilos).

These figures situate to Spain above countries like France (37 kilos home/year) and Portugal (26 kilos home/year) in consumption of foods frozen products. Nevertheless, in our country exists still potential of growth, taking into account the consumption of other European countries like the United Kingdom, where the average situates in the 67 annual kilos by home.
Regarding the type of consumers, the data of The Month of the Frozen products aim to that the families with middle-aged children are those that more consume this type of products (71,4 annual kilos), in front of the independent youngsters, that situate to the tail in his consumption (24,4 kilos). Between the foods frozen products more consumed is the fish and seafood (37% of the total) and the vegetables and vegetables (22%).

Likewise, the study confirms also the good health of the marks of the manufacturers in this sector, in front of his evolution in the total of feeding. Like this, while the quota of the marks of the distributor continues winning terrain in the products of big consumption, in the case of the foods frozen products the marks of the manufacturer have grown in 2% in the last year.

Related Companies or Entities

Alimentaria Barcelona - Alimentaria Exhibitions, S.A.
Asociación Española de Codificación Comercial