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Head office Lechera Asturian reduces the environmental impact of his products by means of the calculation of the footprint of carbon


25 November 2011

Central Lechera Asturian, in collaboration with the Technological Centre AZTI-Tecnalia, works in the reduction of the broadcasts of CO2eq (bióxido of equivalent carbon, taken in account the potential of warming of each gas with regard to the CO2) derived of his more sold products (milk in brick and in bottle) through the measurement of the footprint of carbon, faithful to his commitment in the fight against the climatic change and in the frame of his strategic plan of sustainability.

The calculation has carried out in accordance with the norm PAS 2050, internationally recognised, including an analysis detailed of all the stages of the cycle of life of product 'B2C' (Business to Consumer) from the obtaining of prime matters, going through the dairy treatment, packaging, transport and distribution, use or consumption and the end of life of the product.

This initiative splits of the intention of Head office Lechera Asturian to diminish the environmental impacts further of his own processes, involving to all the chain of supply. The measure of the footprint of carbon has allowed to quantify the broadcasts of Gases of Effect Invernadero (GEI) and concretise in terms of CO2eq the different environmental improvements promoted fruit of his Plan of Sustainability initiated in the year 2008.

An example is the set up of a Plan of Sustainable Mobility that involves diverse measures focused to the improvement of the system of distribution and logistical. Between other actions, this initiative is promoting the utilisation of the railway for the transport of commodities, the employment of biofuels for vehicles and the optimisation of routes of transport reaching a reduction of 3.228 tonnes of CO2eq issued to the atmosphere during  the year 2010.

Likewise, the commitment of the company in the fight against the climatic change also has seen reflected in the adoption of measures of reduction of broadcasts through the efficiency in the processes and incorporating paulatinamente alternative energies cleaner. In this way, thanks to the saving of primary energy generated in the year 2010 by the systems of cogeneration and trigeneración implanted in his installations achieved avoid the broadcast of 14.000 t of CO2eq to the atmosphere.

The measurement of the footprint of carbon allows to enter criteria of sustainability in the strategy of the company as well as a more precise approach of the measures to adopt for the reduction of the broadcasts of CO2. This bet frames inside one of the five pillars of the Plan Sustainability that Central Lechera Asturian has elaborated with the vocation to orient all the initiatives developed by the organisation inside this commitment and seat the bases for compatibilizar the economic growth with the environmental preservation, by means of the increase of the efficiency in the productivity, consuming less resources and generating less waste.

The calculation of the footprint of carbon is only one of the actions that Central Lechera Asturian is realising to reduce the environmental impacts. The efficient management of the water (through the calculation of the Footprint Hídrica, that is to say, the water that spends to produce a litre of milk), the optimisation of the energetic consumptions or the reduction of the waste of containers put in the market or the generated in the own productive process are some of these activities.

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