
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at En la BIEMH se fumó

In the BIEMH it smoked

Ibon Linacisoro - Director15/04/2008

April 25, 2008

Not it gave us time to count them, but we fiamos. This edition of MetalUnivers closed at the moment in which closed its doors the 25 BIEMH fair Edition. Although that won't be until the next issue, for obvious reasons, that we can focus more in detail what happened at the fair, we have used this space to give the figure: 50.712.

What will they be? Visitors. 50712 visitors had the luck to Bilbao approach by those dates. And some smoked.

Okay, now we were quieter, because we must admit that you produced us some tension the fact to not say anything about the BIEMH until the April issue of MetalUnivers-Interempresas. And not be able to say that he smoked.

Now comes the intangible, the opinion, so subjective, inmedible, which gives rise to discussions and disagreements: satisfaction by some and others, exhibitors and visitors, ladies and gentlemen, organizers and desorganizadores. As well, we dare to say that despite the trouble give us economic news, yet contrary to what seems breathing in the financial sector, our own, those of machine tools and in general those involved in the manufacture of equipmentthey are happy. Happiness is a State of mind not necessarily corresponding to 100 percent with what there is in the sector, with what was perceived by the corridors of the BIEMH, but in our infinite capacity to find out how people feel although they deny itin MetalUnivers-Interempresas affirm categorically that the alleged crisis not only not exhibited in this fair, but that not attended either of visit. Not dared not to approach, by metro, by car or by bike. It was not there, ladies and gentlemen, was not there. If even smoked. The fair ended with the usual good results, it is possible that no one be rich, though only out by not sinning (assume them informed of that being rich is a sin according to the new rules), but we are not here to make us rich, but to continue to exist.

And in this quest of the perpetuity, some smokers. Yes, Yes, Yes, it is a fact, this is not opinion, some smokers. AND? Well, finally, that if even while smoking at the Fairgrounds, some a few smoked, believe in this magazine, which had to be like the cigarette after of. That is, if for some a, well, a..., it is not the same without the cigarette after, we think, we said, who smoked was because he had sold. And isn't the same sell to dry, to throw a pitillito after selling. In conclusion, is smoked because it was sold. That said, a BIEMH for joy, a cigarette for hope.

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