
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El placer de volar

The pleasure of flying

Fly, dream, feel free... what part they are entitled to the aircraft in such circumstances? Each time it flies over, fantasizes less however. Do not have time for yourself, in this life of prolonged acceleration, but there is much to thank those impossible machines which are aircraft, even more so today, rates have become popular and that the Act of flying already is not exclusive of loaded with pockets or executives "top end". Thank you, for example, this time not to do anything that provide us, this slowdown in the pace at which allow us to when we assemble in one of them. We can work, no doubt, but it is a good time to read, relax, think, dream, inspire is even. Kilometers in height, without flight possible, time becomes the aircraft at a moderate speed and leaves space for the enjoyment or even the inner journey towards oneself.

Excuse me, reader, the jump to the Mainland, but the machine tool sector is also in this process. Machines for maximum accuracy, special equipment for very specific applications. In this issue of MetalUnivers we enter some of the major figures of the Spanish, and European aeronautical sector with a significant presence in the Basque country and Catalonia, and inform you of the will of Andalusia by approaching this industry through the opening of the Andalusian Aeronautical Institute. Another factor which supports the good prospects for the sector has been the recent creation of Eurocopter Spain, based in the community of Madrid, to be the third leg of this important company in the EADS Consortium, together with the existing Germany and France

The Spanish State currently occupies an important place among the greats of the European aeronautical industry. He was among the five main European countries.

But progress means also facing challenges and, as specialists in this medium as air, among the next tests that exceed industry Aeronautic and spatial European explained, are getting cheaper, quieter aircraftmore specific, more rapid and respectful with the environment. Ultimately, criteria applicable also to the machines. So understand you those who are behind the project Next, with 24 million euros of budget, are raised to develop the machines of the future, teams improved from many points of view in the next four years. Fly into the future, dreaming of the perfect machine, objective scholars for an accelerated world.

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