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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Miguel Bixquert, director de Fimma-Maderalia

“Political gentleman, why has done a plan Foresee for the cars and does not do it for the reforms or the decoration of the house?”

Interview to Miguel Bixquert, director of Fimma-Maderalia

Mar Martínez04/11/2011

4 November 2011

For Miguel Bixquert, that employers that could have remained home depressesed by the crisis have showed by Fimma and Maderalia, celebrated living rooms between the 25 and on 28 October in Fair of Valencia, already is an attainment. In front of the difficult situation to buy and sell, prefers to value them like a space of exchange of informations and experiences. The hope is in the external market that, as it says, is the one who works now. To his seem, the interior would go better if the rulers bet by a plan of helps that convinced to the owners of redecorar/reform his homes and, with this, gave work to a universe of companies and microempresas of the sector of the wood.
Miguel Bixquert, director of Fimma-Maderalia, in one of the pavilions of Fair of Valencia
Miguel Bixquert, director of Fimma-Maderalia, in one of the pavilions of Fair of Valencia.

It will have strolled a lot by the fair, what has surprised him?

Basically, that have been able to have in Fair of Valencia 868 expositores with an amplitude of offer that is very important. That the people, given the situation, have bet a lot for presenting novelties. And the influx of visitors. One of the aims of this year was to do that the people went out of house, although the situation of the market is difficult: “Employer, do not remain home, that crying in the dispatch does not go to resolve at all”.

This, joined to the big effort that have done in international promotion reflects in the opinions that are collecting. We do not speak to buy and sell, this already will come afterwards. We speak of contacts.

We speak also to buy and sell…

To a fair one comes looking for novelties. It sees the distinct options that there is in the market, goes to his house and tranquilamente takes a decision of purchase. It does not have why take a decision of purchase in a fair. And another thing that have detected a lot, and of what gladdens a lot the expositor, is that we are collecting the indignant. What is an indignant? It is a customer that had a provider that, probably, was very good in other circumstances. But now the circumstances are others and wants to test with another. People with the very clear ideas, that had his wallet of providers but that now want to test other things.

And in these walks by the fair, speak me also of the another part, of appearances that of here to a pair of years go to improve…

I will not say him which, but have my libretita of notes with things to improve.


Design a strategic plan does three editions and think that are in the good way. Bet clearly by carpentry and construction. Alas the sector of the piece of furniture in Spain is as it is. In fact, Maderalia is already a fair for providers of what would be carpentry, construction and decoration. We are also trying see of which form are able to paginate it with all a series of materials that compete with the wood. We are showing in the market of the wood that, increasingly, interest new materials, like Corian, Kryon, phenolic boards… and no longer speak of glass, aluminium/aluminum, or this type of things.

Maderalia Has had 516 expositores
Maderalia Has had 516 expositores.

That they also interest…

Want to say that we are a fair of “providers of”. Any material that need my customer (manufacturer of pieces of furniture, company of carpentry or decoration) has to be in fair. And, in fact, one of the bets of this year has been the forum YOU&MA, of tendencies and material. What would like us, of some form, is to go incorporating a new profile of visitor to the fair: the prescriptor. When a decorador needs to see new proposals of materials, to where goes? It does not exist any fair in Spain. It imagine to a decorador that goes to do the reform of a hotel and poses what material has in the market. Yes, there are fairs of construction, of pieces of furniture… but I speak of materials, no of product.

Materials that can convivir with the wood…

Convivir And compete. If we go in in the equipment of the trade, in a shop, there is wood, aluminium/aluminum, steel… Or in the reception of a hotel. But it is that in a same house, will see that it combines perfectly a ‘boiserie' with a table of steel and glass. Basically we think that we have to learn, we and, of course, the customer, in the wooden combination with other materials.

Which is also clearly a strategy in front of the crisis, open a bit the mind. If all worked in the sector of the wood, would not do neither is missing to incorporate these new materials in the fair, no?

Has been a bet, because we had given us account that the wood had lost a bit the leadership for the prescriptor. In the world of the design, does some years there was not wood, were derived of the plastic, of the metal… A house, a kitchen, with finishings in wood is not the same that with ceramic derivatives or marble. If you buys a very good car, and put him a trocito wooden in the salpicadero of root of nogal, for example, is symbol of status, and this would like us recover it.

Flexible wood to low temperature and plastic termocromático are two of the examples of the innovative materials of the library of Aidima...
Flexible wood to low temperature and plastic termocromático are two of the examples of the innovative materials of the library of Aidima.

The of the new materials has been a quite global bet: the libraries of materials of the Technological Institute of the Piece of furniture, Wood, Packaging and Affine (Aidima) and of the Centre of Technological Diffusion of the Wood and the Piece of furniture of Catalonia (Cenfim), the space '+That wood' in the stands, with machines devoted to the treatment of other materials… How has gone out them? It was a risk, because also there will be the Orthodoxes of the wood…

A risk and an opportunity. Sometimes, in the big companies, especially, a machine to work the wood or a machine for another type of material (Alucobond, metacrilato…) is, in essence, the same. Only it changes the tool and, perhaps, the fact that it need a lubricante or a greater power. It has been an opportunity of business, so much for the expositor, because it has been able to expand his available fan, as for the visitor, because in this fair has been able to find to a provider that usually was not here.

So they will repeat with the new materials…

Without any doubt.

Any another successful bet?

The fair like source of information.

But this is it always…

But increasingly. If it gives account, especially during the afternoons, in that the fair is used to to wane a bit, have done that they happened a lot of things. The first day celebrate a meeting related with the new materials and the design; the second, a forum on the new technologies, how sell taking them into account; and also we devote an afternoon to reform and rehabilitation. Probably a gentleman does not need machines neither boards, but is avid of information. Paginate business and information is the future of the fairs, am totally convinced. The people goes to the fairs looking for more information that product.

potential Markets

There has been a lot of information to international level: how export products, businesses, how contact with other countries. And by what have perceived, the external potential is in Sudamérica and the North of Africa.

The ours market is the zone euro. But sell to France, Italy or Portugal do not consider it export. This give it of course. The situation of the Spanish market forces us to look to outside. Latin America and the North of Africa need a typology of machine that is, truly, the Spanish product. We are realistic, Germany and Italy are to another technological level, but is not the same for a gentleman of Ecuador that serve him somebody of Barcelona or Valencia, that of Germany. The ease that gives the culture is very important. Already I say him, the natural market for machinery is the North of Africa and Sudamérica. For wood, basically, Europe.

And it goes well the natural market?

Himself That goes well. The companies are subsistiendo basically by the export. The national market is as it is, do not deceive us, and a lot of companies have done a clear bet by the export. But that do not think anybody that export consists in raising a day and say “as I do not sell at all, go me to export”. No. This are years. In the sale of machines, glaze or herrajes, are speaking of a technical decision.

And economic…

Especially technical. It take into account that the machine it is necessary to carry it and has to work. The barniz it is necessary to apply it, and there is a thing that calls humidity, another is the heat, the dust, to which it is necessary to adapt the product. It is not the same to apply a barniz in Tarragona, that in the altiplano of Bolivia. Cost years enter in a market, so much if it decides bet by the direct distribution, as through an exclusivista national or geographic. It is complicated, but is a bet of future.

Demonstrations of machinery in the pavilions of Fimma 2011, that has had 352 expositores
Demonstrations of machinery in the pavilions of Fimma 2011, that has had 352 expositores.

How it has received the news of the injection of additional capital by part of the Banking Authority European to the big Spanish entities?

I have so many doubts... It is as it does some years, when it injected the money to the banking, and the money has not arrived to the market. Then, all think that it went to help to the bank and that this money went to flow downwards. Alas, I think that a thing is the real economy of our companies and another thing is the ‘macro'.

It sees it with scepticism/skepticism…

Is that if, when seeming, the Spanish banking goes to have to recapitalizar, means that it still will be more difficult access to the credit. If to the bank demand him a series of greater guarantees, if it has to happen the ‘core main' of the 7 to the 9, that is to say, if it still has to have the fullest drawers, as it goes to give less.


We have spoken of this indirectly, of the importance that gives the fair to the interiorismo. Promote new materials is to boost this type of design…

The engine that threw of the Spanish economy was the construction. The construction will take years in going back. And now only they remain us the reform and the rehabilitation. The improvement has to come of the hand of the design, of the decoration. It goes to be much easier to do small works. It commented it yesterday with a manufacturer of doors. Before it sold a promotion of 3.000 houses and, to 7 doors by house, supplied 21.000 doors. No, no. Now we have to go back to sell doors of 7 in 7. Better, with another margin, but have to go back to what would be a concept of the distribution supporting us in the almacenista, in the installer. What are trying is, through the reform, the rehabilitation, the decoration, go having market.

But it is necessary to have money to decorate…

Here is where is the politician. Political gentleman, was you skillful/skilful. Why it results that it has done a Plan Foresee for the cars and does not do a plan for the reforms or the decoration of the house? Acaso Because a big company of cars can throw to 5.000 to the street? In the sector of the piece of furniture are a lot of thousands. Kickoff a Plan Foresee for the houses, that for that that do a global reform of his house —and here would go in lights, pieces of furniture, floors, walls—, there is a desgravación fiscal of the investment done. It has done for the cars, for the appliances, as that do global for the house. Then, it would affect to all our fan of providers. It would move all our sector.

The passion by the most traditional wood and the new tendencies have shared space in stands and conferences of the fair
The passion by the most traditional wood and the new tendencies have shared space in stands and conferences of the fair.

This that comments can be interesantísimo because it would give an impulse to multiple companies of the sector. But, could argue him against that, whereas a washing machine, a vehicle or a window consider elements very important to live, as the pieces of furniture…

Help me in the appliance, why no in the rest of the kitchen? Like consequence of the crisis, think that the kitchen is converting practically in the axis of the house. There is not paste. We do not go out. Your house turns into a meeting point with the friends, then why no a Plan Foresee for the piece of furniture of kitchen? In the past the kitchen was a place with fat and with smoke, but nowadays there are kitchens that are true living rooms, where eats , dines and sees the tele. I think that the politician has not been skillful in this. And the thing is that there is a universe of microempresas that will not say that they do not scare to the politician. And, however, the car… as it stop in Valency the Ford, the Opel in Saragossa or the Seat in Barcelona, mounts a chicken.

A last question, apropos the talk that has carried out with representatives of Google, Facebook, Microsoft, IBM and BuyVip, really are to the day the Spanish companies to commercialise/commercialize his products by the social networks?

Remains them enough. Besides, we are speaking of a sector of industrial character. I doubt a lot that some day somebody buy a big machine by Internet, or an employer decide to change of provider of boards by the network. Internet is more a source of basic information. To the hour to take a decision in fair the customer can go to visit to six gentlemen and carry in the pocket information of other six.

In the day in day out, once already has gone in in contact with the customer, yes that it is important Internet. But I think that for a first decision of purchase or of business in industrial fairs, always will be necessary the physical contact and, even, visit the factory of the provider, know what there is behind, who is, his capacity of production… Is that this customer goes to consume glaze, herrajes or boards all the days, his factory does not stop. This is not like that that asks a disk by Internet and, if it is not today, send it to him morning.

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Fimma / Maderalia - Feria de Valencia

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