
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Entrevista a Damián Hernández, director comercial de Wittmann Battenfeld
“A good peripheral can mark the difference”

Interview to Damián Hernández, commercial director of Wittmann Battenfeld


For many, a peripheral is an auxiliary team of support, a complement, a secondary element to the that no always loans him the owed attention. It shares this opinion? Cuán Important thinks that is the peripheral in the final result, in the development and manufacture of the product finished and his quality?

Certainly, this type of equipment are auxiliary elements in the process productive, but in the majority of cases speak of systems truly important to the hour to attain the best results, being able to influence notably in sections like the quality, productivity and energetic efficiency. The absence of a good peripheral team, or the installation of a bad system dimensionado, can brake the good operation of the main transformative machine, increasing the costs of production or mermando the competitiveness of the plant. In these so complicated times, all the components of a productive centre have to surrender to the maximum and, of course, some good peripherals can mark the difference.

In the actuality, a lot of transformers buy to his provider complete lines, that include all the necessary peripheral equipment for the manufacture of his products. It agrees with this affirmation? In which measure has affected him this tendency to his company? Which arguments can esgrimir a specialist in peripherals to combat this situation?

Is correct to say that a lot of companies prefer to work with a global provider, that supply them the transformative machine, accompanied of his peripheral equipment, with the different advantages that this can suppose (avoid problems of integration, attain discounts by volume, only technical coordination…), although still we find us with quite a lot of companies that study, value and decide the purchase of the machine on the one hand and the suitable peripherals of another provider, depending on different criteria to take the decision.

Our case is quite special, already the Group Wittmann Battenfeld is the only global constructor of the sector, that can supply a machine of injection of last generation and all his peripherals, with the guarantee to be manufactured inside the same company, fulfilling like this the mentioned advantages. Equally, we have an important wallet of customers, that transform plastic with machinery of different marks, but have we like providers of peripheral equipment of quality, perfectly adaptable to his needs, since Wittmann is recognised in the market from does years like a signature of confidence in the construction of robots and other auxiliary systems.

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Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L

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