
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Cooperación entre Demag Plastics Group y el Centro Tecnológico español TCTP

Demag Plastics Group-Spanish technology centre TCTP partnership


on May 6, 2005

International manufacturer of injectors Demag Plastics Group and the Spanish technology centre cannot Center technology of plastics, S. l. (TCTP), currently in the final phase of construction, recently signed a technological cooperation agreement. TCTP, located in Valls (Tarragona) will be equipped with the most innovative Demag machines, with forces closure of up to 30,000 kN.
TCTP, is scheduled to start its activities in the month of June. The technological centre of plastics has among its objectives, to create a stable infrastructure for the processing sector of the plastics, through which the needs of the sector, should be channelled is to coordinate the activities of r & d and transfer the knowledge generated to the companies. The high qualification, specialization and experience of its human resources, empowers TCTP to contribute to the improvement of operating result of the companies in the plastics processing sector, through the volunteered - lie of technology services more innovative and efficient with which to improve their competitiveness and technological development.
The technological centre of plastics in collaboration with companies, may intervene from the earliest stage of a project, providing technical support in the preparation of the technical-commercial dossier, to continue to participate in the stages of design/development of piece and/or mold, reológica, tracking simulation of the process of manufacturing of moulds, testing and development of molds, validation of moulds, parts and/or injection processes, manufacturing preserial and series.
TCTP complements its areas of design engineering-/ development, physical-chemical laboratories, rheological and Metrology and digitization, with its technological platform that has the most innovative moulding machines equipped with the most modern robots of Wittmann injection of Demag Plastic Group. The relationship of injection Demag machines, is composed of a machine fast cycles-EXIS S 350 (with clamping force of 3,500 kN), a machine System 650 (6,500 kN clamping force) system, a machine multicomponent Multi 1300 (13,000 kN clamping force) with 4 spindles and a machine of two plates MaXX 3000 (with 30,000) (clamping force kN).
The agreement signed between the TCTP and Demag Plastics Group is complemented by other agreements of cooperation with other partners, leaders in the technologies: simulation reológica, rapid prototyping, design, metrology and digitization, as well as also with the Polytechnic University of Cataloniathe University Rovira Virgili of Tarragona and other Spanish and international technology centres.
At end of May 2005, TCTP will present the project to the market interest groups (technology partners). TCTP is scheduled to begin their activities at the end of June 2005. The official inauguration, with the presence of public administrations, potential customers and technology partners, the technological center of the plastics are carried out in September 2005.

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