
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Todo un escaparate de equipamiento auxiliar, robots y sistemas de automatización
Wittman is the fair more than seventy different products

A showcase of auxiliary equipment, robots and automation systems

Drafting PU15/09/2004
The presence of Wittmann at the K2004 fair in Düsseldorf will reflect the theme "Innovative complete solutions - auxiliary equipment for the internet era". The 415 square metres of available space on the stand of Wittmann, located in Hall 10 Stand 10A04, will be devoted to show more than seventy different auxiliary equipment products belonging to the four groups of products - robots and automation systemsheating and cooling of moulds, mills and material handling equipment. There will be a demonstration by connecting a complete range of equipment to the internet via Wittlink to showcase the technology and demonstrate the countless advantages which include the ability to remote diagnostics, centralized data management and visualization of the operating modes.
The products will be exposed as functional cells to demonstrate complete solutions of peripheral equipment on machines of processing, as well as presentations of product news corresponding to four specific areas of product from each respective product group:

Robots and automation systems

Four will be the new features of development of the product group of Robots and automation systems that will present at the fair:

The line of robots-linear electro-pneumatic pick-and-place applications will be expanded with the introduction of the W710i characterized by a payload of 5 kg. (11 lbs). This unit will be equipped with a frame fixed, is ideal for applications with machines with a clamping force of up to 250 tonnes. The vertical axis has been optimized to function with absorption of vibrations which allow to extract quickly and without delay of the castings.

The presentation at the fair of the robots in the series W711 CS3, based mechanically on the W710i model but equipped with three servo motors. The W711 model robots allow to manipulate a complete range of automation applications in injection machines and offer improved systems of line control and integration.

The third presentation will be the robot of W721 CS3 upper range with a payload of 10 kg. (22 lbs). These robots are designed for the evacuation and handling parts on machines with a clamping force of up to 400 tons and injection with a standard equipment with three servo motors.

The new W753 robot with a useful load of 75 Kg. (165 lbs) for moldeadoras machines of large-tonnage complete the extended series of robots.

During the mechanical design of the theft of the 7 series has been special emphasis on modular construction and optimization of the production of the units. Thanks to this approach, the units can manufacture according to recognized standards of quality Wittmann offering great functionality but at the same time maintaining attractive prices. The design of the control continues the successful concept of the Wittmann COMPACT series. All components of the system of control and the servomódulos are located in the same unit. For this reason, do not require additional space with the contourning machine.

All models of robot-CNC series 6 and 7 are equipped with the system of versatile control CNC6.2 with a graphical interface or the latest R7-Touch with touch screen interface.

It will be an automation system for IML (In-mold labelling) for an application of 4 cavities and a cycle time of 4 seconds.

Highlights of the show for the manipulation of materials of Wittmann section is a fully integrated centralized system, commanded by the new M7 control. All components connected to the central system, the dehumidifier in battery Drymax, different sizes of hopper dryer intelligent Silmax, a station of coupling with encoded distributors electrically, as well as a transverse cross section of different sizes and variations of porters by vacuum Feedmax powered and will be commanded by the new control of high-level M7.

In the line of products corresponding to the product group heating and cooling of moulds will be the controller of temperature Tempro Plus 90 XL with a pump capacity of up to 200 l/min (52 gal/min) and a maximum capacity of 36 kW per zone heating. The TEMPRO PLUS XL unit is ideal for mould of big dimensions from 1000 kg. (220 lbs).

In the Division mills and crushers, Wittmann will present a number of new features, the crushers without grid of the Sumo series, both the MB series conventional mills and MC.

Related Companies or Entities

Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L

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