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Manufacturers constantly innovate

Robots improve to provide more

Drafting PU01/12/2004
Spain is one of the countries of Western Europe where the sale of specific robots for the plastics industry continues a sustained increase for years. It is obvious that our country began later automated and that this is a sufficient ground for a gradual adaptation to the levels of other countries, but it is also true that the Spanish industry of plastics has opted on numerous occasions for high value applications where automation is essential. This much know Sepro and Wittmann, companies which share most of the Spanish cake, but also others such as Star Automation, seeking its place after its implantation in Spain as a subsidiary.
The new Axess robot, for injectors of 20 to 180 tons
The new Axess robot, for injectors of 20 to 180 tons.
In fact, both Sepro and Wittmann has been for years with a majority market share in Spain. His position, however, is difficult to maintain and there is no more than remind the two latest editions of the fair Equiplast to know of the numerous attempts of many companies of representations by introducing into the market other brands of robots. In addition, many of the manufacturers themselves of injectors sold their machines with robots, which opens up another avenue for marketing of this type of equipment.

Be that as it may, today Sepro, for instance, continues to improve its offer to defend its position and image in the market of the injection Spanish. It has recently developed two new features in its standard three-axis CNC servo motor "brushless" robots. Robots version S3 or BZ-Visual, Visual Sepro electronic command now allows automatic initialization of the three axes by pressing a single key. For three to eight axis servomotorizados (S3 or BZ-Visual and rest versions) robots, the key 'Function echo' allows an automatic process of adjustment of the speed of the robot out of the fuel transfer, on the press cycle.

The last of Sepro is the small Axess with three servomotorizados CNC axes robot, designed to equip injectors of 20 to 180 tons. Thanks to their compact numerical rotations, this robot offers a greater adaptability to ensure the unloading of the injectors and allows multi-positions in the mold or outside it to adapt to the possible difficulties of the injection of plastics.

In the hands of grip, Kit Sepro allows simple hands of grip with a minimum number of pieces. They are easy to assemble and adjust, light prensiones and using a small number of components. Incorporates a new system of connection mono-tubo, a new range of suction cups and supports with suction cups and new claws.

The latest from Wittmann

In the last edition of the K, Wittmann introduced four new and highlighted the fact that all models of robot-CNC series 6 and 7 are already equipped with control system versatile CNC6.2 with a graphical interface or the latest R7-Touch with touch screen interface.

  • The line of robots-linear electro-pneumatic pick-and-place applications has been extended with the introduction of the W710i, characterized by a payload of 5 kg. Equipped with a fixed frame, it is ideal for applications with machines with a clamping force of up to 250 tonnes. The vertical axis has been optimized to function with absorption of vibrations which allow to extract quickly and without delay of the castings.
  • The W711 CS3 series robots, equipped with three servo motors, provide a complete range of automation applications.
  • The third novelty is the range higher W721 CS3 with a payload of 10 kg, designed for the evacuation and handling parts on machines with a clamping force of up to 400 tons and injection with a standard equipment with three servo motors.
  • The new W753 robot with a useful load of 75 Kg. moldeadoras large-tonnage machine complete the extended series of robots.
The Wittmann W711 CS3 series robots are equipped with three servo motors
The Wittmann W711 CS3 series robots are equipped with three servo motors.

Star Automation Europe

One of the products of its range is the fast robot model Zxe-1000, with features such as speed, acceleration and precision, particularly fits the sector of packaging applications.

At the fair in Düsseldorf, where all use to present the latest Star bet by exposing a complete cell from production and transport of a product for daily use, through a series of computers. It consisted the moulding by injection of a piece using the technology of labelling within the mold (IML) to insert the logo of Star in one of the faces of the piece. In the cell is just completing the piece with other components.

A robot was used for the inclusion of the tag and the simultaneous extraction of the castings Cartesian model Ixe 1000 equipped with Stec 470 control. The pieces are deposited next to the fuel transfer of 100 tonnes of clamping force, where an anthropomorphic robot or two rubber feet slip taken from an adjacent warehouse. After the process of inclusion of these feet, the same robot position the pieces in a container model F-70. The rest of the process was completed with other devices for automation.

Star Automation Europe Zxe-1000 model
Star Automation Europe Zxe-1000 model.

Related Companies or Entities

Equiplast, Expoquimia, Eurosurfas. Fira de Barcelona
Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L

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