
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en La innovación en el campo de equipamientos periféricos
The Fakuma fair has been the framework for the presentation of products

Innovation in the field of peripheral equipment

Drafting PU15/10/2003
Wittmann, world provider of peripheral equipment for the industry of plastic, distributed in Spain by Wittmann Robot System S.L., has released several new features to improve productivity in molding plants
As they were able to see the visitors of the fair Fakuma, scenario that Wittmann chose to present the new assortment of peripheral equipment, the bet of Wittmann to provide for the sector of the plastics a wide range of peripheral equipment is serious and is able to innovate in the various fields covered byas a specialist in the construction of robots.

To meet different demands

Drymax P15 and Drymax 30 are two of new signature dehumidifiers. The first of these, for plastic resins has a capacity of up to 10 kg / h and can be used for dehumidification of pellets or in continuous mode. The unit can be easily bound with braces on the hopper of dehumidification, and therefore can be used interchangeably on different machines for moulding or separately on a pre-deshumidificación station.

For its part compact dehumidifier dryer Drymax 30, is added to the line of dryers Wittmann with double Tower. This unit - with a capacity of 30 m _/h drying and a temperature of up to 180 ° c - has the same advantages as larger models: switch of electric drive on valves and control parameters of process for a dehumidification of high quality.

Technical facilities

Wittmann has provided their robots of touch screens, to facilitate your programming to the operator. Thus, the Wittmann CNC models thanks to the new touch screen CNC7, allow direct selection of all program sequences and functions of teaching from the screen. As the same functions are used for the control CNC6 and 6.2, the operator can use easily this new control.

In addition, has designed a new W 621 UHSS robot for high-speed on small machines for moulding applications, for example, pieces of mobile phones. A telescopic vertical axis Special powered by robust straps - minimizing the weight of the moving mass - and allowing higher accelerations and velocities.

The models of the firm are available with simple or telescopic vertical axes.

In addition, added two new models to its range of low-speed-breakers: the Sumo Minor series, with Court House 240 mm x 160 mm for yields of up to 7 kg/h and the Junior double top model with double rotor for yields of up to 60 kg/h for the treatment of hard plastics.

In the news of the range of peripherals, Wittmann has presented new models of Chargers of more capacity (up to 80 l volume) that carry pneumatic valve in its standard equipment. This ensures a perfect operation and minimal maintenance, also for those difficult transport resins.

Finally, Wittmann has begun to market the new atemperador Tempro direct 120, a new innovative model for higher productivity in the plants of injection. Through a direct cooling this drive offers high cooling capacity and an exact control of the temperature.

The Tempro direct 120 is equipped with a power of up to 12 kw heating and a wealth of up to 90 l/min pump as well as purge air for cast changes.

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Related Companies or Entities

Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L

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