
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas de Dewit en sus nuevas instalaciones, con equipos Demag y Wittmann

Dewit open doors days in its new facilities, with equipment Demag and Wittmann


on March 5, 2004

The signing Dewit 2000, responsible for the marketing of the injectors of Demag Ergotech and the robots and peripherals Wittmann in the North and their areas of influence, announces that on the occasion of the official opening of its new Pavilion in Basauri (Biscay)held a few open next on 25 and 26 March days.
The new flag has a total of 800 square meters, distributed in 200 square metres of offices and customer service area and 600 square meters for warehouses and exhibition area.
The new facilities of Basauri have been more than a year to operate and are a true reflection of the great progression of this young company with José Mari dolls as Manager, has established itself as one of the companies of services more important in the area.

On the occasion of the Conference, Demag will expose the following machines:

1 unit Ergotech-EXIS S 200 t, machine already consolidated in the market for the production of quick parts for packaging.
1 unit Ergotech IntElect 100 t, fully electric. It is the first time that this machine is presented in Spain.
1 unit Ergotech EXTRA 100 t, displays of the successful series of basic and versatile machines at competitive prices.
The exhibition will be supplemented with the following teams of the firm Wittmann: robot series Compact W-621 CS3; robot manipulator W-620 M, flows W-602 (700 mm) exhaust; feeder Feedmax S18; individual shipper SP5; mill MB 18-18; Crusher Sumo Minor 1; Drymax 60-100 mobile dehumidifier; volumetric dosing Dosimax MC10; Flowcon 2 flow regulator; atemperadores Basic 90.
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