
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Ahorrar invirtiendo en un robot

Save by investing in a robot

Drafting PU15/06/2003


Workshops of injection are facing intense competition, in many cases of Asian countries, and seek to reduce costs to optimize production. We see some trends in this article.
More performance at lower prices. This is the paradoxical trend in the sector of injection in our times and to this factor are the manufacturers of robots. From Wittmann company include four trends:
  • greater use of robots in plants of injection.
  • lowest price of the robots, with more features.
  • improvements in the robots to accelerate the cycles.
  • under times of moulds, using robots easy to use controls.

In the future, automation should provide an optimal amortization of the investment, for which a fuel transfer must incorporate the best features and be able to reduce the cycles to the maximum. Logically, the investment must be as small as possible.

Automation is important not only to reduce the costs of production through faster cycles and less need for staff, but also to increase the quality of production, thanks to a more constant machine cycle. In Spain, as you can see in the table, the trend towards greater automation not can be mitigated. It is a market with interesting potential for robots.

Major manufacturers tend to incorporate elements that are close to the needs of the clients to their robots.

Linear robots are facing now, in addition, the increasing appearance in the market of industrial robots, Kuka and ABB at the head of the latter. When that is required is a rapid removal of the mold, the linear had to the anthropomorphic in speed, though the latter are more likely once out of the machine. For example, in a fuel transfer of 1,500 tons, at a cost estimated by time machine of 85 euros (without amortization of the mold or Automation), working in three shifts (5,500 hours per year) and with a cast of a cavity, the favored reduction of a cycle on four seconds for the automatic extraction of the pieceYou can generate annual savings of 31,000 euros, according to estimates by Wittmann.

Another example, this time with a fuel transfer of 200 tons of force closure and an estimated cost per hour of 18 euros. In three shifts and a cast of four cavities, with a cycle of 8 seconds, a reduction of the cycle in 0.3 seconds can make a saving of 14,900 euros per year.

Of course the decision for an optimum implementation of a robot not only depends on the reduction of the cycle, and may be limited by the times of cooling or expulsion.

Source: Wittmann
Source: Wittmann

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Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L

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