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Equiplast 1999 - injection




Together with Actronic attends to the appointment (Montjuïc 2, stand B 209) with two machines:

An inyectora H780-200 T of the range Hercule Plus works during the fair with a mould of 24 cavities to manufacture caps. This type of machine is appropriate, in particular, for the injection of big speed of pieces with thin wall and for the production of articles that require a discharge of plastification elevated.

The another machine that can see during Equiplast is a H470-140T of the range Hercule, in a cute version-matter, to put of relief his 50 years of experience in the machines of injection. It works moldeando a piece for cosmetic.

Another interesting novelty in the breast of Billion is the one who announced already in the Europlast of Paris: the launching of a new inyectora of 1.000 T that completes the average range modulate that it already includes machines of 430, 550 and 750 T. Also it announced the launching of the range Atrium, of 40 to 80 T, available in the market from principles of the 2000.


BM Biraghi

will be able to several equipment of this manufacturer of inyectoras, represented by Centrotécnica (Montjuïc 2, Stand C 340).

Sintesi 400  the project of Sintesi is based in the concept of modularidad that finds his maximum expressesion in the special realisations where has been possible to project a big variety of versions using modules of series and re projecting the only parts devoted to the applications. The result has been to obtain a very wide range but with a strong engineering and with high qualitative standard.

Sintesi 150/820 of new generation  instrumented with a mould of the F.lli Bianchi Of Cologno Monzese, for the production of vessels of ice cream of 1 Kg. In polipropileno homopolymer. The time is of 5,5 seconds and the weight of the pieces of 45 grs.



The German signature Dr. Boy GmbH, represented by Centrotécnica (Montjuïc 2, Stand C 340), has specialised in the manufacture of inyectoras destined to sectors that require of pieces of small size and very high precision. His range of machinery this compound by models of 22, 30, 50 and 80 Tm. And it proposes to the sector of the injection of micropiezas the new model of 12 Tm. Of closing, thought mainly to inject delicate pieces of watchmaking, maquetismo, electronic, pharmaceutical material, doctor and surgical, etc. The main novelty of this machine resides in the adoption of the new microprocessor 2Procan CT.

Centrotécnica (Montjuïc 2, Stand C 340) (see BM Biraghi, Boy and Italtech)

Coscollola Commercial (see Krauss Maffei)


Demag Ergotech

Demag Ergotech (Montjuïc 2, Stand C360) will show three machines for applications of high technology.

The Ergotech 250/560-840 THE EXIS (2.500 kN of strength of closing, 560 mm of light between columns and unit of injection of 840) will produce caps of PELD in a mould of 32 cavities of Caco Pacific, of the United States. The consumption of power of the "Ergotech THE-EXIS" is very favourable for the utilizador, something that has attained by means of the optimum configuration of the individual units of accionamiento.

Also will show the production of enclosures for tetra-briks, thought for beverages, that can go back to open, and that compose of a base of polietileno and a piece of polipropileno that incorporates the thread. They will manufacture in a Ergotech 50-120h/80v multi, of 500 kN.

In third place, the series Ergotech concept ONE/concept TWO has been prepared in scoop for Equiplast. A Ergotech 60/420-200 concept TWO (600 kN of strength of closing, 420 mm of light between columns and a unit of injection of 200), will produce a technical piece very demanding. A robot of Wittmann will commission of the extraction equipment equipment of the pieces.



In the stand of his representative Helmut Roegele (Montjuïc 2, Stand B 230) presents the machine without columns totally electrical IS 600/100 HL-SEL, whose advantages are rapidity of the movement, absence of oil, precision, saving of power and easy access to the zone of the mould. It is foreseen for applications of big speed, especially in the field of the medicine, the packaging and the injection of fine wall. It has of 5 axles servo-electrical and reaches a time of cycle in empty of 0,85 s.

Another machine of Engel is the Elast, with Combimelt IS 1500T/330H/250 V-THE, special for elastomers. It will produce pieces of rubber of two components. Has diverse functions, as for example a conductiva and an isolated layer, manufacture in an alone piece, in a cycle of work.

A Combimelt IS 650 H/ 330V/125HL will show also the advantage of the machines without columns.

The Duo IS 16050/1500 Duo, machine of two plates in short execution with system of closing hidromecánico, constitutes another of the products of Engel in the fair. It achieves with her reduce the length of the machine. It incorporates hydraulics components of high quality that guarantee reliability, precision and repetibilidad of the movements.

On the other hand, the ‘without columns' hydraulics IS 500/110 HL Victory, of 1.100 Kn of strength of closing with a surface of fixation of the mould of 730x600 mm, instrumented with a robot ERC 33/1-C.

Imvolca (see Mir)


Italprensas Sandretto

Italprensas Sandretto S.A. will be in the fair with a remarkable witnesses chord to his strength in the Spanish market of machines of injection of plastics where has an upper park to the 2.000 units.

will be more than 500 m2 situated in the Palace 1 of Montjuïc II (C 325) where will remain represented the extensive range of products (inyectoras of 30 to 5.500 tonnes of strength of closing), included some of the novelties entered in the K¨98.

The structure of the stand will be composed by a central module of two plants where will house the offices to receive to the customers and the bar.



In the stand of his representative, Centrotécnica, (Montjuïc 2, Stand C 340), will expose the Series BS with electrical engine and low consumption, that characterises for covering the range of minor tonelaje of the Italian manufacturer (less than 1.000 Tm) and that they can incorporate an electrical engine in the load that allows to superimpose movements of machine, win time of cycle and guarantees an energetic consumption very underneath of the average of the market. It has a robust structure, wide dimensions of work and incorporates the microprocessor Delta 5 of last generation.

Another team that will be able to see of Italtech is the new machine MSK  1600 WP, with strength of closing of 1600 Tm. And measures between columns of 1400 x 1700 mm. His main novelty resides in the type of closing, with blocaje on columns.

The group of closing of the MSK-1600-WP, when lacking cabezal of reaction, aúna big dishes and careers with a reduced busy space on the floor. The movement of the mobile dish, realises by means of the action of two small pistones, that require less oil that a hydraulics closing of pistón central, attaining big speed of movement, greater sensitivity of the group and an important reduction of the energetic consumptions.


Krauss Maffei

In the stand of Coscollola Commercial, representative of the inyectoras of Krauss Maffei, will stand out the machines of the series C. One of the you appearances more stood out is the accionamiento electrical of the husillo for the parallel plastification and a tank of bubbles for higher capacities of injection. On the other hand, the bomb, regulated by the pressesure and the volume of flow resupplies all the consumers of the machine (unit of closing, expulsor, noyos, etc.). In each point of operation of the machine always supplies the pressesure and the quantity of oil exactly adjusted to the need.

In the series C of inyectoras, all the pressesures and necessary speeds for the machine enter of digital form in the system of control.


Mateu & Solé

The newest and striking, although still in phase of prototype, is the inyectora without columns called Elastic Paralex 625/125 HEP, with hydraulics closing of 125 T and free surface between dishes of 700 x 700, which allows the installation of greater moulds that the usual for this size of machine.

The second big novelty is the new control V 2008, constituted by a system modulate of big power, reliability and hardware oriented to a big repetividad and capacity of gestión. Two of the present machines in the fair will carry this control

will present also a wide range of inyectoras of the mark Meteor, that includes machines of 30 until 825 T of strength of closing (up to now 800 T). The Meteor of hydraulics closing covers from 30 until 205 T and the ones of double close kneepad go from 75 until 825 T. The control realises with microprocessor and presents in two distinct versions.



Through his representative, Imvolca, Mir, will be in the C381 of Montjuïc 2 and the visitors will be able to observe in this stand his complete series of machines.

- Compac-Ecologica, are two technologies that combine in this machine, that in the fair will be of 450 T. Thanks to the volume contained of the same machine, can face productions of pieces of big dimensions, although without need to have of a big venue. The technology of the Ecologica reduces the consumption of electrical power-water-oil, until 70%.

Besides, in the fair can see an inyectora traditional in model Ecologica, model RMP 140, with closing kneepad.

Co-injection-coestampado 80 T: The co-injection is cream mainly of the exigencia to realise the product with a core in material recycled and an external part in virgin material. They inject two distinct polymers in the interior of the cavity of the mould, by means of an alone channel of filled with gifted machine of double relocatable injection.

The co-patterned, is the sobreposición of two polymers, and is ideal to produce products bicolores.

Inyceción of silicone clears): horizontal Machine endowed of closing of pistón direct and group of injection with husillo punzonante. The Model MPOVG (vertical version) manufactures in 3 new versions with strength of closing of 50 to 120 T. They are particularly indicated for the production of articles of precision in elastomers, or diverse silicones, through a mould of reduced number of cavities.

A remarkable advantage of the new vertical machines is that they allow the transformation of the rubber silicone clears bi-components LSR. They are especially indicated for the sobreestampaje.

MVPI 270 T (Vertical):One of the most recent proposals of the MIR in the machine for elastomers is the machine with the unit of injection FIFO.

The injection FIFO represents a solution already very known in the market, and the MIR has incorporated it on his range to offer to the own customer a variety of solutions more complete, in function of the diverse problematic.



Situated in Montjuïc 2, Stand B250 of the Palace 1 and in his usual line to present innovations, Netstal will expose two machines for the moldeo by injection of 120 and 240 Tm, both manufacturing pieces of big precision and very high production.

One of them manufactures in the fair glasses of two components in less than 4,5 s. This system consists of a Synergy 2C of the type 1200-230/110. As well as of a mould of 2 and 2 of the company Foboha. The glass manufactures with a union of hard and soft components and in two different colours. For the hard material employs PP, and in the soft part, a thermoplastic elastomer.. Of this form, Netstal confirms that in the field of containers of thin wall can reach some times of profitable cycle for the solutions of two components.

The another machine manufactures enclosures of shampoo with an innovative technology of mould. It treats of a Synergy 240, with mould of 16 cavities of the company Schöttl. The important in this mould is the automatic operation integrated cheese cheese in the mould, that bends inside the mould the folding closing, once finished the process of injection.

Related Companies or Entities

Centrotécnica - C.T. Servicio, S.A.
Coscollola Cial, S.L.
Equiplast, Expoquimia, Eurosurfas. Fira de Barcelona
Imvolca, S.L.
Netstal Ibérica, S.A.
Roegele, S.A.
ROMI Máquinas España, S.A. - (ex Italprensas Sandretto, S.A.)
Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L

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