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The signature will show more than 40 teams

Wittmann Will transmit the message “technology to his service” and presents 40 teams in Equiplast 2011

Editorial Interempresas20/10/2011
The participation of Wittmann in the living room Equiplast 2011 will present under the message “Technology to his service”. This lemma does reference to the innovative politics of the company near at hand of the transformer, that will show on an important surface of exhibition in the stand C-334 of the pavilion 4. Witmman Will present in this edition of the fair more than 40 teams. Between them, numerous novelties in the seven divisions of products: robots and systems of automation, controllers of temperature of moulds, mills, dehumidifiers, feeders, and dosificadores.

In the stand C-334 of Wittmann, will put special emphasis in the specific advantages of the diverse peripheral teams. Sharing space, the another partner of the group Wittmann Battenfeld, will put the emphasis in the presentation of cells of complete work, showing besides the last models of machines of injection, each one with his corresponding robots and peripheral equipments. Some of the machines that will show are the following:


Robots Wittmann

In the area of robots and systems of automation, will show his range with different models, amongst other to the robot W843 and the system of control R8 with functions improved.


This model is mecánicamente based in the previous model W743, but incorporates numerous changes and improvements. The load now reaches the 35 kg, with a vertical And standard career maximum of 2.600 mm. The robot also is available with a configuration of vertical career of 2.000 mm and 25 kg of load. The career of desmoldeo transversal X standard is of 1.200 mm and the horizontal axis is of 3.000 or 4.000 (with options of extension in increases of 500 mm).


Control of robot R8 of Wittmann

The control R8 allows the selection of numerous new functions. In addition to the already established function to real time, has of extraction by the best way 'TruePath', intelligent extraction SmartRemoval, control of pair SoftTorque, memory of movements PartTrack and system of energetic saving EcoMode. The user will have also of the function ACD (automatic detection before collision).

Control of robot R8 of Wittmann with ?ipal In the screen
Control of robot R8 of Wittmann with ?ipal In the screen.

Control R8 with intelligent extraction SmartRemoval

The already known function of intelligent extraction SmartRemoval now also will be available in the robots for the lateral access W827 and W837. SmartRemoval Uses the opening movement of mould of the tool like base for the initial acceleration of the axis of access to the mould. Once reached the position of mould entirely open, the robot accelerates without delay until reaching his maximum speed. Independently of the machine, SmartRemoval attains to save until almost 15% of the time of extraction, without additional costs and protecting at the same time the mechanical parts against brusque movements.

Photo4ayb. Regulators of discharge of water Wittmann: The connection to the machine%takes can realise/realize by means of controllers of temperature(to the right: screen expanded/interface for the operator)

Control of temperature Wittmann WFC 100

The cooling of moulds and the controllers of temperature are important part of the initial activities of Wittmann. The regulators of discharge of water have been considered during a lot of decades like the standard for the cooling of machines inyectoras and moulds in the industry of the plastic. The every time greater interest of the transformers of plastic for improving the control of the processes, has carried to the development of the new unit of measurement of discharge of water WFC 100.


Tempro basic C90 / basic C140

The series of atemperadores thermoregulators series basic of Wittmann is adapted for all the applications that require of the control of temperature more precise, and at the same time big comfort for the user with an interface easy to use. The series basic covers a rank of temperature between 10 and 140 °C.

Controller of temperature Tempro basic with interface
Controller of temperature Tempro basic with interface.

Controller of temperature Tempro basic with interface

Wittmann basic Offers now like option, bomb improved or female connector for external sensors, with an option of interface that allows the direct communication between the inyectora and the controller of temperature. The interface works with the usual protocol of transmission P2. In combination with the suitable hardware (20mA, RS232, RS458) is possible to cover almost all the interfaces.

Like another option can select the indication of the discharge of water, based in the principle of the measurement of pressure, known by the customers in the series Tempro plus.

Dehumidifiers Wittmann

The new dehumidifier of wheel Drymax Aton, combines the advantages of a point of constant condensation with high energetic efficiency. The dryer attains to fulfil/fulfill with these very contradictory requirements through the entirely new structure of the wheel as well as thanks to a way of operation patented, the EcoMode.

Dryer of wheel Drymax Aton of Wittmann

The wheel of dried of Wittmann consists of a series of cameras that house a molecular accumulation of free sieve. This design explains the big energetic efficiency, since the strong circulation of the air in the molecular sieve allows a greater transfer of energy and of heat. By the contrary, the wheels of panal consist of linear plates to which applies the secante, but from the point of view of the design, only attains a low circulation of the air. By this reason the consumption of energy is upper to his capacity to generate air of dried.

Depending of the degree of load of water of the dehumidifier, the Drymax Aton works in way of constant wheel or in the energetically preferential way with “almost-2-filters”, that is to say the EcoMode. The capacity of hot air reaches the 120 m³/h, with what can realise/realize any configuration of compact dryer for the record of 1, 2 or 3 hoppers of dried. The point of condensation reaches in practically all the climatic conditions a value of -40 °C (-40F) to -60 °C.

Dryer of wheel Drymax Aton of Wittmann
Dryer of wheel Drymax Aton of Wittmann.


In the group of teams for the feeding of material present several new products. Between them it finds the system of transport centralised/centralized of high performance with control eMax24, the station of filtered centralised/centralized XM/B and the feeder in empty compact Feedmax B105.

The control centralised/centralized eMax24 is adapted for systems of small feeding with until 24 feeders and a maximum of 2 stations of blown, and offers an excellent relation cost/performance. All the operative conditions of the system can consult in a screen LCD to colour/color. The introduction of the diverse parameters realises/realizes through an easy menu to understand for the user. The control eMax24 is especially adapted to be connected to the innovative feeders of material Feedmax B of Wittmann with bell of download of accionamiento pneumatic (and in consequence of safe operation).

Carrier of empty Feedmax B105
Carrier of empty Feedmax B105.

Dosificadores gravimétricos

The new dosificador gravimétrico Gravimax 14V presents in Equiplast with a container of mixed of material entirely new, that prevents the creation of static loads in the mix. Generally, the master or different mix combinations of material have the tendency to accumulate static loads, what aggravates with the previous process of transport or the movements of the mezclador. This statics causes problems to attain a mix homogénea and influences directly on the result of the dosage.

Gravimax 14V

The new container of mixed with “palettes of integrated” load produces a uniform mix with the diverse components, that previously have dosificado with precision with the specific method of Wittmann RTLS (= scales to real time).

Gravimax 14V
Gravimax 14V.


In the division of mills, Wittmann will present the model MC34 PRIMUS. The series MC PRIMUS of conventional mills of Wittmann, has been developed specifically for the recycling of soft plastics and of half hardness, and will serve of bridge between the economic and popular line of mills to operate at the side of the press ML and the line MC of central mills of Wittmann.

The new MC34 Primus of Wittmann

The new model MC Primus has of a camera of cut of 300 mm x 400 mm and can reach, depending of the size of the rejilla and of the geometry of the pieces, a performance of material of between 200 and 300 kg/h. The mills MC Primus have of a design with open rotor that offers a flow of optimum air through the camera of cut to warn the thermal degradation or the foundry of the material. The mobile blades bent of the open rotor in configuration 3 x 2 (“rotor in espiga”), combined with two fixed blades bent offer a double cut type tijera that improves still more the quality of the triturado and minimises/minimizes the dust. The blades giratorias and fixed can afilar several times depending of the wear.

New MC34 Primus of Wittmann
New MC34 Primus of Wittmann.

Besides will exhibit the models BUT, like sample of the mills of tangential court of the signature Wittmann.

The known GREAT series of trituradores without rejilla of slow speed will show of course in this living room with different examples. All the trituradores without rejilla are of low noise, extremely compact and very adapted for the use on a long-term basis of hard materials and reinforced with fibre/fiber of glass.

Related Companies or Entities

Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L

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