
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Martín Mena instala paradas de autobús accesibles para todo el mundo

Martín Mena installs bus stops accessible for everyone


February 18, 2011

Martín Mena designed and installed a marquee of bus for the Consum, for his Mall in L'Alcudia (Valencia) fully accessible for disabled, elderly, children and adults in general. It is a clear example of the furnishings of Martín Mena adapted for everyone.

It is one a marquee of 5 meters, with a width that may be accessible to people in wheelchairs, carts for children and the public in general, with side walls and bottom, to protect themselves from the elements, designed to be convenient and accessible for all audiences, adapting perfectly to the environment than you rodeay always taking into account the parameters of durability and quality.

The structure is formed by square poles of steel tube 80 x 80 mm on a basis of 5,000 mm of length, width 1,600 and 2,500 high. The framework of the roof is composed of two planks of aluminium tube 40 x 60 mm and two gutters in aluminium profile. The arches are made in curved aluminium profile and the vault in alveolar polycarbonate translucent with anti UV, with a thickness of 6 mm treatment inserted in the gutters of aluminium and arches. Bottom and side walls are made of safety glass of 8 mm thick with signs of security. Fixation is by smelting of aluminum clamp system to easily replace Windows and doors of safety in case of vandalism. All the marquees of the company bus stop are delivered with a showcase of schedules. The swing door is reversible and replaceable without tools and without dismantling of the casework.

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Representaciones Martín Mena, S.L.

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