
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Entrevista a Damián Hernández, Wittmann Battenfeld
"Much of the success of our industrial customers is based on the reduction of energy costs"

Interview with Damian Hernández, Wittmann Battenfeld

Drafting Interempresas19/02/2010

February 19, 2010

After the celebration of the traditional meeting of suppliers of injectors, Interempresas-plastics universal wanted to know the opinion of the main Spanish suppliers about current issues of concern to the sector in our country.
Damián Hernández, wittmann battenfeld
Damián Hernández, wittmann battenfeld.

Reducing the consumption of machines is one of the trends that we hear about more. It is a simple fashion or really Spanish plastics transformer calculated rigorously its production costs including energy consumption?

It is not just a fad, it is a real transformer concern, because in these difficult times, competitiveness is evidence. Much of the success of our industrial customers with good results is based on cost reduction, and the energy cost is truly significant in our sector. Almost all the transformers of plastic show his concern and interest on energy savings, though regrettably few those who study in depth the problems, and conform to be educated on the issue. Of course we are in a society where ecology is a fashion, and everything related to this trend has positive aspects in the market. All manufacturers of machines we use the most effective weapons, and the ecology, energy saving and efficiency are now perfect arguments to fight in every project.

The energy efficiency of a current machine, especially of the servo-electric injectors, is truly astounding, when compared with earlier-generation machines. In the last 20 years new injection machines have reduced their actual energy consumption by up to 70%, depending on the model and size.

Our firm can boast of two series with an excellent energy efficiency, on the one hand the fourth generation of injectors servo electric so-called EcoPower, and the updated HM series of hydraulic injectors, with the novelty of being driven by a motor servo electrical hydraulic group. Of course any conventional fuel transfer of our brand has options that improve efficiency, for example, the motor servo loading.

Talk about the future is difficult. But, does he not dare describe the panorama of the Spanish plastics industry by 2015?

Our sector has unfortunately an uncertain future, and that future can vary considerably as it depends on political and economic decision-making beyond our reach.

If we ignore the last movements, we could imagine a more stable 2015, after difficult and different screens. Probably, this year will be quite a few less transformers of plastic that in 2010, and these survivors will be insiders who knew how to compete to produce pieces of high added value, or products that should be made in Spain due to its high cost of transport. In any case, the companies in our sector are maintained, should adapt to new trends of the market, improving productivity to compete with aggressive emerging markets.

Their main arguments of sale in 2010 put in first-line matters relating to costs or to the injection technique?

We must use any possible selling point: energy efficiency, solutions program, the best relation quality-price... any argument known or as yet unknown. It's a complicated new year that we will have to deal with all kinds of commercial proposals.

This year, Wittmann Battenfeld bet strongly by the competence of their teams, introducing important new features that will help to improve the aforementioned arguments of sale. We will be present in a significant way in the next K 2010 exhibition and formerly in conferences for the presentation as the famous 'Competence Days' of Vienna, where we invite clients so they know the technology of the group.

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Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L

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