
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Entrevista a Werner Wittmann, jefe del Grupo Wittmann
"We are the only complete provider around the world"

Interview with Werner Wittmann, head of the Group Wittmann

Drafting PU09/07/2009

July 9, 2009

Already for more than a year that the group Wittmann bought the machine manufacturer injectors Battenfeld. Werner Wittmann, head of the group, talks about the current situation of the company, their latest machinery and how faces the crisis the company.

In what position is the group now?

After more than a year we can make a positive. Last year, the first thing we did was to review the business plan. Since then we have made considerable progress on the path towards a future with success for Wittmann Battenfeld GmbH.

Currently, we use an optimal position as a group. The staff in the various facilities is working very well. Advantageous synergies in the areas of sales, purchases and production have been created. Through the optimization of the processes of manufacture and Assembly, and progress in the harmonization of various components of the machines, we have made substantial improvements in efficiency.

Werner Wittmann, head of the Group Wittmann
Werner Wittmann, head of the Group Wittmann.
"Many fewer suppliers of individual components are necessary, easier and less complicated will be the operations for processors"

Define the concept "everything from a single supplier"

Our positioning as a complete supplier under the concept of 'all from a single provider' has received a very positive response in the market and has been welcomed by all processors of molding by injection in the world. As a family business, we offer perspectives to long term, reliability and innovative strength, and we are decisively influencing the development of the technology of moulding by injection, for the benefit of users.

How many fewer suppliers of individual components are necessary, easier and less complicated will be the operations for processors. For this reason we offer important advantages to be the only complete provider around the world.

What new developments have been completed successfully in the course of the last year?

Immediately after the acquisition, we expanded the number of machines of knee TM, whose quality had already been evident, with the TM Xpress version of high speed. This series is especially used in the packaging industry to labelling in IML mold and thin wall applications. The automations for the production of containers, along with systems for the insertion and automatic extraction, are offered along with the machines injectors through our French subsidiary that specializes in IML applications.

With the new 'complete solution' we have created an equipment to manufacture pieces of molding injection in a minimum space and consequently costs are extremely low. In addition, during the Fakuma 2008 introducing for the first time a solution with fully integrated robot, based on the new series of robots W8. As part of this concept we offer visualisation, adjustment and storage of data from the robot through the touchscreen of the Unilog B6 the machine control system.

And what else?

We have also developed a concept of manufacturing fully automatic with the new series of rotary tables VM R. This series is now available with electrical servo drives for the turntable and the injection unit. The servo technology essentially helps reduce the consumption of energy, with a simultaneous increase of the accuracy and speed of the line.

In the area of service and training programmes, have developed the Webservice programme on the basis of the already known system of control of machines Unilog B6, which operates under Windows XP. Allows direct communication between the machine of molding by injection of the client and our telephone assistance, without additional hardware interconnection. This offers our customers the advantages of a fast location of problems, direct software upgrades and preventative maintenance.

What developments are currently in preparation? What may processors expect for the next Fakuma?

In order to differentiate us from our competition as complete suppliers, Wittmann Kunststoffgeräte and Wittmann Battenfeld will be presented this year for the first time a joint stand at the Fakuma.

The most outstanding event of the fair will be the world premiere of our series of fully electric machines with optimized costs. They will be available in sizes from 35 to 300 t and will replace the previous electric range.

In the area of the micromoldeo injection we are intensively working on the next generation of Microsystem 50. The standard model is being redesigned on the basis of the existing concept that has been so successful, and will be available in two sizes, with 5 and 15 tonnes of clamping force.

In the medium term we are focusing on our reintroduction in the segment of the machines of larger size, with a clamping force of up to 1,600 tons. We are developing a compact closed unit of two dishes which will be available from the second quarter of 2010.

Immediately after the acquisition, you announced the merger of the two networks of sales. In how much has been achieved?

One of our main goals was to unite our networks business world as quickly as possible. During the first weeks, we did so in several markets such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Mexico, Singapore and China.

The merger process has almost completed. Because the structures of the market are special, the activities of sales and service in Austria, Italy, Switzerland and Brazil are still organized into subsidiaries separated from Wittmann or Wittmann Battenfeld, although they cooperate closely. Other key markets are being cared for through agencies of great reputation.

We have a clear goal: having an efficient network covering the whole world to offer our customers responsibility focused on sales and service.

"Our policy of expansion currently focuses on Central and Eastern Europe." "In may, for example, we opened a new subsidiary in Romania"

And what is its policy of expansion?

It currently focuses on Central and Eastern Europe. In may, for example, open a new subsidiary in Romania. We have also expanded our activities in Hungary opened a new Office of sales near Budapest in March. Wittmann has been successful in the Hungarian market for many years. We have manufactured robots, heat pumps and components for products from our wide range of peripheral equipment in Mosonmagyaróvár since 1997.

With the new subsidiaries, we are strengthening our position in the region of Central Europe and the East, in response to the potential market that is rapidly expanding in the area.

What are your plans for the new sales and service centre in Meinerzhagen, whose opening is scheduled for September?

Germany is one of the key markets for the injectors machines, peripheral equipment and automation systems. Through our decision to build new facilities, we offer even more comprehensive support to our local customers developing and implementing solutions for the manufacturing. With this we will also expand and strengthen our service to the client. Battenfeld has a long tradition in Meinerzhagen. It was here where the first production hall was created in 1954.

The new facilities will have a warehouse with a total area of 2,500 m2, a modern logistics system to store and send parts replacement, installations for the production of Airmould and Aquamould equipment and a technical laboratory of large dimensions with a total of 1,100 square metres. The technical laboratory for demonstrations of machinery, production of samples, and training programmes for clients will be equipped with a selection of our range of injectors and peripheral equipment.

Wittmann Battenfeld in Meinerzhagen is the central contact in Germany for all queries of our customers, including sales, customer service and technical service. One of its tasks will be to provide spare parts and technical service for the machines of great size that previously occurred there, both locally and internationally.

Wittmann, the stand of the company in the last edition of Equiplast
Wittmann, the stand of the company in the last edition of Equiplast.
"At this time of crisis, we do everything in our power to ensure your satisfaction and offer them advantages"

The plastics industry has been seriously affected by the current economic crisis. What measures have been taken?

We have been affected by the economic crisis as well as all the plastics industry. Unfortunately, we have not have prevented a cut of staff despite the measures that had already taken from the home, such as reducing the number of hours of work and additional training special permissions. Establishing a base of work we are trying to make this more socially compatible for the staff to be affected.

All our actions are invariably focused on our customers. We do everything in our power to ensure your satisfaction and offer advantages.

That is why we have created two packs to cope with the current situation, which is also to be difficult for many processors.

And are these measures?

On the one hand we have the so-called ' Fit for the future Service Check' (inspection of service 'Ready for the future') in which we review our clients machines to ensure their technical conditions at a special price, redistribute basic parameters and give tips to optimize energy consumption.

"With the campaign type Renove ' Fit for the future Upgrade Machine" (machines 'Ready for the future' update), replace machines used for new machines at a special price.

In his view, is when will end the crisis?

It is difficult to predict it. But what we do know with certainty is that there will be a recovery. And Wittmann Battenfeld will be ready with a policy of continuous innovation and a network of sales and efficient service.

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Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L

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