
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en La participación de expositores extranjeros crece un 26% en Equiplast 2008
Germany and Italy are the countries with greater representation

The participation of international exhibitors grew by 26% in Equiplast 2008

A total of 285 direct exhibitors confirmed, dated August 28, its assistance to this issue of Equiplast, the international exhibition of plastics and rubber, which takes place from 20 to 24 October in the fairground of Gran Via, and that 26 per cent comes from abroad. These data confirm the implementation of the fair by the internationalization of the Salon looking for ways to enhance the presence of foreign exhibitors. Germany and Italy are the countries with greater representation in Equiplast 2008.

Equiplast, which is carried out in the pavilions 4 and 6 of the Fira of Barcelona's Gran Via exhibition, brings together in 19,687 net square meters of exposure to the major companies in the sector. The international exhibition of plastics and rubber is held jointly with Expoquimia, Eurosurfas, Barcelona became the capital of applied chemistry in the Mediterranean.

It brings together the entire sector of the plastics and rubber

Organised by Fira de Barcelona, Equiplast is held every three years and presents a complete sample of the numerous existing sub-sectors within the plastics and rubber industry: raw materials and additives; machinery, equipment and automotive systems; peripherals, parts and components; moulds and dies; products semi-processed and finished; measurement, control and automation; hardware and software; environment and recycling; security labour and industrial; research, development and innovation; and outsourcing and services.

Equiplast 2005
Equiplast 2005.

Important technical conferences

In addition, Equiplast focuses on the holding of technical workshops aimed at professionals in the sector. Under the coordination of the Spanish plastics Centre (CEP), carried out a day on the innovation in the injection of plastic and the other on bioplastics, that have registered a high level of registration.

During the same dates, is celebrated Expoquimia, which has as one of its most important axes in this edition the biotechnology, while Eurosurfas focuses on industrial, powder and galvanic painting and also promotes the holding of technical conferences.


Expoquimia, 2005
Expoquimia, 2005.

The two major objectives of the Organization of Expoquimia, the international exhibition of chemical, which reaches its fifteenth Edition, have been increasing the international presence and bet on the biochemistry.

In this sense, a new classification of 7,500 square metres has been established to respond to the demands and concerns of an emerging segment and is becoming a leading role: biotechnology and analytical instrumentation.

Under the name 'Lab and bio', the bio have its own exhibition space. To promote the participation of such companies, the Organization has reached an agreement with the Spanish society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM). Composites are the major attractions of the Hall. Held the second edition of Compositech, in order to exit the new applied materials and the 19th International Composites Conference, organized by the Spanish plastic Centre (CEP). They complete the commercial offer of Expoquimia 2008 chemical industry base, with a great weight in the national economy, and the sector of pumps and valves, of huge importance following the entry into force of new regulations. Expoquimia also, promotes the scientific and professional debate. They include the convening of the second edition of the r & d award to the application of scientific research or business meetings with major countries for the transfer of knowledge. Thus, celebrates the 12th edition of the days of Instrumental Analysis (JHA), the Mediterranean Congress of chemical engineering and the International Conference on Industrial Safety (ATEX).

More than 100 direct exhibitors will display its latest in Eurosurfas 2008

A total of 118 direct exhibitors are present at the 23rd edition of Eurosurfas, the international salon of painting and the treatment of surfaces. This contest of a three-year basis has a large presence of industrial painting, on the liquid, as well as the powder painting and galvanic.

Eurosurfas 2008 occupies close to 5,000 square metres of net exhibition in Hall 3 of the Gran Via venue in which are represented the main companies in the sector both nationally and internationally. More than 30 companies from more than 20 countries will be present in a new edition of the international salon of painting and the treatment of surfaces. In this new edition, Eurosurfas brings together other subsectors as surface treatment; paints and varnishes; equipment and installations for the surface preparation and application of paintings; equipment for control, test, analysis and measurement; environment and safety industrial and labour; research, development and innovation; miscellaneous services and outsourcing; and hardware and software. In addition, Eurosurfas presents a full programme of technical seminars in which puts special emphasis on the environmental issue. Thus, some sessions be conducted on galvanic coatings, environment, and a new Eurocar Congress.
Eurosurfas, 2005
Eurosurfas, 2005.

See also...

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Equiplast, Expoquimia, Eurosurfas. Fira de Barcelona
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