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The company is in the best possible position to deal with the economic slowdown in the coming years

Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik continues innovating for growth markets

Drafting PU17/07/2008
After two years of juncture Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik GmbH is facing a situation of clear slowdown in the market. Bad Oeynhausen machines constructor feels prepared to cope with this development and its director general Wolfgang Studener says that your company is well equipped for the future: "Continue UK markets in growth through our innovative machinery solutions."

Between 2005 and 2007 markets of lines for films and plates, as well as facilities for tubes and profiles rose about 30 percent. "Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik could grow in that period in a disproportionate way, demonstrates that the restructuring measures that we are dealing with five years ago were correct and successful", Studener noted with satisfaction. After a clear decline in global production capacities in all sectors of the extrusion, now expects a situation of slowdown or even recession in some sectors: "we think that, after the peak in the years 2006 / 2007, the global market for extrusion facilities will be reduced this year and next 10 and a" 12 per cent. "It will be a considerable setback, but part of a high level".

Market booming films for packaging intended for thermoforming, Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik is one of the technological leaders...
Market booming films for packaging intended for thermoforming, Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik is one of the technological leaders.
Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik offers an extensive program of virtually all areas of the production of semi-finished products. Specializing in complete lines, to avoid all the problems of connections to customers and offered solutions in which all teams are perfectly coordinated, the company feels in the best possible position to meet the demands of the next few years. Wolfgang Studener expected to compensate for the decline in the sector of the extrusion of profiles, which will be the most affected with a decline of 20 percent, with growth in the tubes and films for packaging and packaging markets.
In the year of its Foundation, in 1980, Thyssen Plastikmaschinen, Plastik Industrie enterprises (both in Bad Oeynhausen) and Walter Goerke GmbH, located in Kempen, merged to create Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik. Already at that time the company had 280 employees and reached a turnover of DM 25 million.

Within the SMS group, to which Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik belonged since 1980, the company functioned as a company independent, as well as the manufacturer of the same name by machines for molding by injection with plants in Meinerzhagen/Kottingbrunn and the American supplier of lines for flat film and blown Battenfeld Gloucester Co.Inc. does not changed anything in this way of working when, in the year 2000, SMS bought Cincinnati Extrusion GmbH, Vienna. Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik has acquired over the past 65 years a huge competition for the plastics processing industry.

Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik is a world leader in the growth of lines for large pipes market up to 2,000 mm
Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik is a world leader in the growth of lines for large pipes market up to 2,000 mm.
Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik specializes in lines for the production of tubes of large dimensions, with a market of approximately 70 per cent share. The total market of lines for the extrusion of pipes will remain virtually stable, because there is a way better than plastic tubes for water plants, transporting drinking water and perform drains.

With their extrusion machines of high speed and a special configuration of lines for direct PET processing, Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik is one of the technological leaders in the market on the rise of the films for packaging intended for the thermoforming. Wolfgang Studener says: "I am convinced that in the coming years works with benefits within our means and we will be able to face the current situation of decline in the market through our competent solutions."

Market booming films for packaging intended for thermoforming, Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik is one of the technological leaders.

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