
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Standard Hidráulica presenta Biofloor, calefacción por suelo radiante a baja temperatura

Standard Hydraulics presents Biofloor, heating by radiant floor to low temperature


11 April 2014

The radiant floor of water to low temperature is a system of heating very evolved. His operation in low temperature (inferior to 28°C in surface) is ideal to guarantee a welfare and a comfort without the same, in addition to an energetic saving.

Biofloor, is a studied range of products and services, for professional installers and architects. It offers an integral solution for the heating and refrigeration by radiant floor, having an optimum capacity of regulation to adapt them to the distinct uses and needs. Biofloor Develops complete and easy systems to install, that give the maximum energetic efficiency.

Standard Hydraulics offers to those that are interested personalised calculations and planes, using a complete program that follows the indications of the norm IN 1264. The calculations include losses of load, dimensionado of the pipe, length of circuits, etc., in definite the solution that more fits with his needs.

Main advantages of the system:

  • Welfare and comfort: reduces the thermal sensors difference between the floor and the ceiling thanks to the decrease of the convection of the air (suppressesion of the mix of dust and other impurities).
  • Economy: it works with hot water to low temperature (30 to 40°C) and allows the programming of each stay of individual form.
  • Reversibilidad Summer / winter: in winter the system guarantees a soft heat and confortable, in summer can use to freshen the environingingment thanks to the installation of a generator of cold water.
  • Aesthetic: integrated in the floor, is invisible.

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Standard Hidráulica, S.A.U

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