
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Jornada técnica sobre equilibrado hidráulico impartida por Standard Hidráulica

Technical day on balanced hydraulics given by Standard Hydraulics


2 April 2014

During the day
During the day.

On 27 March took place in 'L'Escola Gremial d'Instal.ladors' Of Barcelona a technical day on 'Balanced hydraulics in installations of heating, air conditioning and ACS'. This day had a wide assistance of public arriving to roughly 50 professionals.

During the successful day, given by Carles Borràs, product manager of Standard Hydraulics for the line of business of Plumbery and Heating, spoke on the advantages and profits of a balanced hydraulics in installations of Hvac. The aims of the day were, define the concepts, parameters and applications of the existent devices in the market to effect a suitable balanced hydraulics of the installations, like base for the improvement of the performance of the same and like aim for a good operation homogéneo of all the existent circuits and terminal units of an installation of heating, air conditioning or sanitary ware hot water.

One of the points treated was as it can help a balanced dynamic of hydraulics circuits to achieve a significant increase of the energetic efficiency of the installations and improve the maintenance, when allowing flexibility to possible enlargements of the system. The tendency in the balanced hydraulics is the utilisation of dynamic valves, that allow a balanced much easier, fast and simple, achieving besides, without penalising the conditions of comfort, installations more efficient energetically.

The day concluded with a turn of questions and debate between the assistants where went out to relucir the doubts and real problems that find the professionals in his daily work.

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Standard Hidráulica, S.A.U

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