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Optimism and moderation between the providers of equipment for plastics

Editorial Interempresas13/02/2014

On 3 February 2014 plastic Universal - Interempresas gathered to all the providers of inyectoras, robots and peripheral equipment in a new edition of his annual meeting to realizar the Study of Market of Machines and Equipment for the Industry of the plastics. we Take advantage of the occasion to know the feelings of the participants and his expectations for this year 2014.


Martin Cayre. Arburg


The current tendency of the market is of a moderate growth. By a part, goes back to have availability of financials in the market. On the other hand, the moderation of costs salariales goes back to do competitive to the Spanish market, what has seen reflected in the important investments, mainly in the sector of the car. A risk for the sector of injection are the important increases in the cost of the electrical bill, by what the importance of electrical and hybrid machines in the market will go in increase.

Also the automation and the specialisation go in crescendo, because of the competition of emergent markets as it can be the countries of the Maghreb.

Bernd Roegele. Helmut Roegele


With independence of the results of the recent study of market, particularly always have bet by the 2014. Call him “presentiment” or that my two small daughters will have fulfilled 4 years or that this year coincides with the fair Equiplast…

After the spectacular fall of the sales in 2008, already carry 6 difficult years and complicated and sometime this has and had to change. An industry can not be years without investing, expand or renew his park of machinery. More when the current technologies contribute an important energetic saving and east is a point, among others, key for a greater competitiveness. Competitiveness that the national companies have recovered to the equal that the confidence in the market, what has translated in new investments, especially in the sector of the car, that has a direct impact on the investment of new goods of team.

Antonio Muñoz. Coscollola Commercial


From Coscollola Commercial have a reasonably optimistic assessment of the industry of the plastic in Spain. This past 2013 has been a year of consolidation of the market with a good growth of new projects and where the industry of the car (important sector in the plastics in Spain) has showed with fortress.

Lamentably during the past year 2013 still there has been significant bad news with enclosures of important companies of the sector and/or big consumers of elements of plastic that have prevented a year of a more stable growth and been used to.

Regarding 2014, are convinced that it will be a better year that the 2013 as we already appreciate from the start of year a very significant increase of new projects, as well as a big interest in energetic improvements, no longer only in the machines of injection but, and in very good measure, in all the peripherals associated to the production.

Also notice a firm interest in the newest technologies that during years seemed associated to other models of production or countries and that with the new projects, and specifically in the industry of the car, are showed and promoting a very good projection in this naciente 2014.

Jordi Pareras. Mecman


Really has seen a positive evolution in the 2013 going back to the levels of the 2011, especially promoted in the second semester with clear signs of reflation of the sector of the automotive sector like main movilizador and gone on down the packaging.

Can not leave to stand out also the positive impact of the recent fair K of Düsseldorf.

Expect that this was not something punctual and like this mark it all the indicators, but there is continuity leaving backwards the fluctuations and uncertainties to which have been subjected the last years and the tendency was of continuous positive progression.

Luis Pia. Netstal Machines


Perceives a slight mejoría, in regard to the requests and applications of offers, but, under my point of view, still are very far to be able to say that the crisis of the lean cows was surpassed. In regard to the study of the park of machinery of our customers, do not see that this increase as to us would like us, but we observe rather a renewal of ancient machines by models of new generation.

In general, think that the production for the national product follows stagnated, seeing a small mejoría in what I consider products for the direct export or others that form part of an equipment, as for example the sector of the car.

Regarding 2014, do not think that this year go to be much better that the past, in what to sale of would scheme new of injection refers . At any rate, I think that it still is very soon to do forecasts that approach more to a final reality.

In the sector of peripherals am something more optimistic and think that this year it goes to be better that the past. In this sector also could ascertain, that a lot of customers see the need to renew or expand his park of peripheral equipments, by what think that the sales this year are upper to the ones of the 2013.

Joaquim Rabinad. Ferromatik


The situation has improved slightly for the transformers, because of the big effort that have done and are doing, look for market out of Spain since the Spanish market has remained very reduced because of the crisis of the last years.

The new projects that arise leave little margin of manoeuvre to opt to them, by costs of production, and find with a lot of very instrumented competition and prepared to do with them, even out of Spain.

Can not leave to invest since the goods of team remain very quickly obsolete and if you do not obtain profits, difficult is to invest, a situation with which are us accustomed to live.

Regarding 2014, think that in the last five years the sale of machinery has remained stabilised. The 2014 do not think that change, are a calque of the transformers, if they go well we also, therefore we have to help them inside our possibilities.

Because of the increase of the energetic cost is producing a big change to the energetic saving like fundamental piece to the hour to purchase new equipment. The companies are seeing that the bill of the light is every time greater and begins to be a very high cost. One of the most frequent questions of the visitors in the past edition of the K-Düsseldorf, went the consumption of kWh/ kg of material.

All this is directing the market to machines of low consumption, with a significant energetic saving, like reducing the electrical consumption in the companies will be a subject prioritario that it can contribute some increase of sales in the future.

Adolfo Ibáñez. Negri Bossi


Given the shy growth of the sector in the past exercise, still are far to obtain some acceptable figures for our market, as we think that the market of injection in Spain would have to generate at least the double of sales of the generated in the last 6 years.

Is clear, that the problem is the situation of the market in general but, especially, the difficulties that still there is in the obtaining of credits for the investment, that brake the new projects, and that has been paliada partly thanks to the efforts of the companies sellers of machinery.

However, are optimistic, as the employer of the sector is decided to be followed forward and expect that this year that have begun, can keep growing in units sold, thank you so much to the new projects as to the renewal of the park of machinery, as to the optimisation of the already existent processes.

Tiago Guimaraes. AGI Spain


From finals of the past year have noticed a light increase of the offers, proposals, projects, etc. and especially the feelings that transmits us the market is of a true optimism. The big sectors like car, doctor, etc., go back to reactivate slowly but undoubtedly “throw” of the rest. This period of crisis has carried to a lot of companies to sharpen the wit and to look for other exits, other markets and to the diversification of his products.

In 2014 will see what thought in the group from does time, that the industries of transformation of plastic will go assuming that his processes of production are global, that is to say, that participate all the estamentos of the company. And, especially in production, the integration of the machinery, the peripherals, the automation and the recycled, is what does that the process was profitable and effective. Therefore, we are optimistic so much by the feedback that obtain of our customers as by the data of our economy. Of course, it is a slow process but consider that it is continuous.

Lluís Espígol. Husky Iberia


The market of the injection of plastics, in Spain, follows the tonic general of the economy of the country, by what practically does not have growth. In some sectors, is in clear shrinking, and only presents some activity, in destined projects to the packaging, of big consumption, in which the companies look for to achieve a greater competitiveness, to base of aligeramientos and new designs, maximizando the efficiency, and performance of the equipment.

Another important point, is the reduction of the energetic consumption in the inyectoras, with developments, by part of the majority of the manufacturers, in the control of the hydraulics equipment (so that they are into use, only when it was really necessary), and in minimising the dissipation of heat, in the moulds, and during the process of plastification. This also comes helped by the greater presence of inyectoras totally electrical. The companies that look for to be more competitive, opt for investing in technology of last generation. But the market still is stopped and expect a 2014 similar to the 2013.

Salvador Gómez. Raorsa


Is evident that the results of the past exercise of the 2013, indicate a tendency to the improvement that believe will be for the 2014, but do not have to forget that these results are the same that had in the 2011, and the 2012 gave us back to the reality with a fall of roughly 20% of the sales in general.

The current situation in Spain in the industry of the plastic is of survival, values above the investment in new equipment, the maintenance of the equipment that even being obsolete are operative, sacrificing the reliability, quality and energetic saving that would facilitate us equipment with a current technology.

However the projects that have for the 2014 are slightly better of which had for the 2013, expect that the 2014 was a year of renewal of the peripheral equipment, as well as of the machinery in general, with an increase of the consumption of the raw materials.

Damián Hernández. Wittmann Battenfeld


The industry of the injection of plastics is at present very active, with a lot of projects and a big illusion, especially in some sectors. It seems that this time is not a mirage neither are “green shoots”, but of course can not launch rockets, have to be wary and patient, since the situation is extremely delicate for many industrial and have to be near collaborating, contributing the best technology with good conditions to optimise resources.

This year need “to believe” more than ever, that treats of the year of the recovery, no because they say it the on duty politicians, but because the citizenship no longer holds more and is struggling to go out forward. Regarding our sector, the sale of equipment for this industry will be complicated but necessary to face the new projects, by what expect some next months with important investments of our customers.

Cristian Alcántara. Itoplas

The situation of the industry of the plastics in Spain is complicated; a situation in which we carry some years living. It is not something new and neither the solutions that consider from our engineering. We have to attain that our sector was more competitive. And the automation of the processes is fundamental, but increasingly the energetic efficiency has a very important weight. To the equal that the reduction of the costs of maintenance of the equipment. In the sector there is a descent of sales of new equipment and a lot of customers complain to suffer some very elevated prices in the spare parts of his machines, where sometimes arrive to be abusive.

Consider that in this 2014 there will be a significant increase of sales of new machines, but consider that yes there will be a demand of updates and improvements in the equipment that already are working for, overcoat, reduce the energetic costs. And logically, the machines that sell in this 2014 will be inyectoras of low energetic consumption but ensuring a low cost of maintenance.

Josep García. Engineering Siepla


On the current situation of the industry of the plastics in Spain, and regarding machinery, in Siepla think that it follows having a big distrust in the market, because they say that we are going out of the crisis in Spain and this the employers still do not see it. Besides, it follows without emerging the credit and this is the fundamental base for the new projects.

The perspectives for this year 2014, depending on the sectors, seems that they have begun something better, but is difficult to predict, will have to go on looking went to be able to develop our work.

Alex Erase. JB Fiser


This year has begun very strong, although I think that it is necessary to be careful still, the 2014 is being and will be a year with puffs of cool air for the sector of the plastic.

New projects, new shopping and much more interest by the acquisition of machinery, already was new, of occasion or reacondicionamiento of the existent. The greater available engine is being definitely the car although no the only, with a significant change of stage but with more technological demands.

The sector of the plastic in Spain is suffering a significant transformation. Giving to those that contribute greater specialisation a significant increase of his sales, as for example the on molding of pieces, injection multi-material, optimisation of processes and use of new plastic materials.

Appreciates a remarkable interest by products of low electrical consumption and of electronic technology in the products. It establishes more consciousness to the hour to buy. At present the companies need more collaborators that providers to succeed in the projects and obviously the good decisions notice in the final result.

Víctor Corner. Equifab


No longer only by the revised figures in the assembly on 3 February of Universal plastics, but also the increasing demand of offers, new projects and purchase orders auguran a 2014 with a lot of more sales that the previous years and a recovery of the Spanish market.

Joan Garcia. Equiper


The situation of the market of the plastics keeps on being dificil, no only by the disappearance of a lot of companies of the sector and of the contests of creditors, but also because there are sectors of the market in which there is not hardly consumption. In spite of this is truth that palpa a mejoría general and a greater movement in these last 4 or 5 months.

For the 2014 think that it will follow this tendency seen in the ultimo quarter of the 2013 and that follows linear in these almost two first months of the own 2014.

Of face to the peripherals is clear that when it moves the market of the machines, also moves our market, although it follows having a lot of material of occasion in the market that penalises us a bit. What yes think that will follow improving decididamente will be the subject of automation of processes, to avoid a hand of work that does not add value to the final product and yes puts up the price of it, and more in these last years in which who more who less has adjusted notably the budgets of investment and the number of people employed.

Think that touches to think no only in the automation on a large scale, but in automating and organise of flexible form other internal processes simpler and economic, whenever they facilitate some good conditions of access to the financials of the companies in this moment of reflation. Personally, I think that it will be the main difficulty so that it advance and grow of a faster form and decided.

Patricia Mateu. Mateu & Solé

The perspectives of the 2014 for the industry of the plastic are good. Proof of this is the remarkable growth in the investment of equipment for the processed of the plastic of the past exercise by part of the transformers.

The companies are increasingly conscious that it is necessary to be in first line regarding the automation, the technology and especially in the maximum energetic saving. The transformers every time have clearer these appearances to be competitive and that the investment to purchase them remains amortised in a brief period of time.

Agus Durán. Centrotécnica C.T.Service


The figures obtained in the last study of market reflect the conservative tendency of the industry in Spain. The crisis has done his cleaning, have closed a lot of factories. There is a lower demand of the final customers, but at the same time the industries to cater components of plastic are less and theoretically the thing would not have to go so bad. Even so each investment studies , calculates and decides with extremada prudence, tends to invest the minimum, since the economic context does not allow to do forecasts on a long-term basis and from here the resultant sales. Nevertheless, the tendency of the last quarter of 2013 and his continuity in the start of the year with a substantial improvement in the sales do to foresee a 2014 with some noticeably better results.

Angel Roldán. Sogimair


The situation is quite stable. The manufacturers are realizar efforts to reduce costs and can be much more competitive in the market. It notices an evolution in the modernisation of the machinery of production. They are demanding machinery more automated, more productive and with a lower energetic cost.

Regarding our sector of peripheral team, we have followed the line that demanded us our customers and are presenting to the market the new technology in refrigeration, with some energetic savings that oscillate between 40% to 60%. This product is the revolution of the refrigeration and in few years positioned leader of the market.

Think that this year 2014 the tendency will be the same: the replacement and modernisation of machinery. Regarding the refrigeration, in front of the apparition of the new Law of gases, that generated new taxles, will advance the replacement of a lot of equipment this year.

Pascal Antoine. Imvolca


The sector does a lot of efforts to reinvent in base to new ideas so much in products as in productivity, in financial engineer, in improvements of organisation of the personnel or organisation of shopping and sorteando at the same time the problems that supposes to adapt in these moments to new administrative obligations, fiscal or labour, all this in a market with less visibility and inferior volumes and some banks that have unconnected priorities often with the needs of the industry. The exporters have less dependency to the national and greater market success.Generally they fund better.

The year 2014 will be moved and expect that many of the new projects in which we come working from 2013 can realizar .

Is tambien likely that, by the wear of the years of crisis, the actors of the market no traumatizados by the crisis are those that better answer to the new projects, since they do not drag the sequelas of the fall. But also the one who take distance with the problem and think that the continuous life can pose the investment in productive means like suitable exit. Also we have that the reaction concretise in a good participation to the Fair Equiplast. A no hard crisis 6 years. Happened so much time is a change of model.

Jose Mª Martin. Novair-MTA


The national market follows stagnated. There is not practically new investments to level industry and/or personal, by what the manufacturers of materials of plastic follow struggling for surviving. The companies that have known to promote out of Spain have it better since his market, apart from being bigger, offers them greater opportunities of sales.

In the short term doubt that the situation go to improve notably, create rather that goes to improve, but will be with a very feeble increase. We have to have present, that along this year will suffer still some changes in the business and private politics. What means that we will see us all affected. And regarding the long term, create and expect, that will go out of this situation.

Regarding the perspectives for 2014, if we compare the sales in January of the year happened with the ones of this year can say that we have begun the year with good foot. But lamentably we find us in a situation that the difference between a good year and a bad year is so small that it is very difficult to predict the year in course.

All expect that we can follow improving the sales of the 2013 that in himself have been better that the ones of the 2012.

Joaquín Recoder. Haitian and Luiso


The industry of the plastic in Spain is in a process of deep change. On the one hand the industry of the car has reactivated with a lot of strength and the big majority of of providers of this sector find with the need to invest in machines of high repetitividad, but of low energetic consumption. On the other hand we have suffered diverse years of crisis in which there was not credit by part of the financial entities and have delayed the investments in machinery. Thus it is necessary a process of change to level of structures and of means of production. I think that it goes to be a very powerful year to level of investments since there are a lot of projects in the market that begin to materialise this year.

José Alberto Villatoro. Protecnos


In spite of the atony of these last years, seems to notice one some reflation in some sectors, between which would stand out the one of the car. I understand that our sector, as one more than the ones of productive economy, will evolve to a slow rhythm, but increasing. Maybe we begin to go out of the barrizal to finals of year, to go back to walk with some firmness to the following. Anyway already it knows : in economy all depend on what decide those that handle the threads of this theatre of marionettes.

José Puchades. Equipments J. Puchades


The current situation of the industry is the same that carry living during the last 6-7 years, with the difficulty added of his longevity in the time. We are in a market stagnated and mature. While the economy do not grow and drag and throw of the industry, is complicated that this can improve.

Think that the 2014 will be similar to the previous year regarding sales. Although it is true that begins to notice some environingingment of positivism, think that this no repercutirá in the sales until finals of year or 2015.

Albert Ferré. GSTecnic


After analysing and observe in detail the results, think that there is one some prudence to the hour to realizar new investments, waiting for how go developing the events regarding the current economic situation. Also it is true that at present, the park of machinery that there is in the sector of the plastic, goes being increasingly ancient, and during the following years will need a renewal of the same, but all this will depend as I have said previously of the growth of the current situation. Personally I think that the tendency for this 2014, will keep on being the same that in the last years, and will continue realizar investments to improve the productivity, developments, etc.

Carlos Gómez. Pallmann Maschinenfabrik


By what refers to the sector of machines of trituración and for the recycling, under my point of view, the survey reflects clearly that there are a lot of companies offering and few machines sold. Only in the crushing machinery of low capacity and power sees clearly a greater quantity of sales by company.

Think that the year happened the market still was too unemployed, even would say that apathetic and to the expectation of events. Only they did these necessary investments that involved an enlargement of the market of export and/or an enlargement of the products to process; without taking into account the companies of new learning with new know-how and processes of innovation.

The secret to keep a good turnover in our sector of crushing machinery and recycling during the past anus has been without place to doubt look for and find these niches of market that go appearing thanks to the employers more emprendedores.

For the year 2014 expect really that the credit have an elder fluencia, that go in definitively and of regular form in zone of growth (how comes showing, although in figures still very low, the GDP of the last quarter) and this was a stimulus for the investments. I am convinced that this year if the perception of growth that have the employers (and I same create to have with the economic data) is positive and from the financial entities support and give eases to the credit, can be the turning point that all were expecting for this increase of sales that create all are wishing.

Sebastián Cano. Iml Robotics


From our point of view and after analysing thoroughly the Spanish market are convinced that the industry of the plastic in the last years has gone evolving, no only in the means of production but also in the quality of the product, reaching this year happened this stability that needed.

Have realizar a study of market for this year 2014 and think that it goes to be a good year for us since as I have said previously, the quality of the final product is indispensable for the consumer and nowadays the best quality in the decoration of plastic pieces attains with IML, in addition to contributing to the producer of these pack flexibility, versatility and rapidity of answer in front of the demands, without forgetting the ecological factor.

Alex Schneider. Commercial Schneider

Are in a situation complicated, the industry of the plastic is suffering a lot of changes, the companies look for to diversify to be able to find other less exploded markets or specialise in a type of product of quality with the end to be able to go out of our borders.

On this ño 2014 would say that, the same that in the last years, that is to say, the sales are difficult, the banks are not helping and the companies have to throw of his own resources. To be able to keep the sales have to adjust a lot the prices and Herbold Meckesheim also gives eases to the hour to fund the projects. The second-hand equipment follows taking strength.


Related Companies or Entities

Arburg, S.A.
Augusto Guimaraes Irmao España, S.L.
Centrotécnica - C.T. Servicio, S.A.
Comercial Schneider, S.A.
Coscollola Cial, S.L.
Equiper, S.L.
GS tècnic periféricos y componentes, S.L.
Imvolca, S.L.
Negri Bossi, S.A.U.
Netstal Ibérica, S.A.
Pallmann Ibérica
Raorsa Maquinaria, S.L.
Roegele, S.A.
Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L

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