
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Standard Hidráulica celebra su Convención Anual con su red comercial

Standard Hydraulics celebrates his Annual Convention with his commercial network


23 January 2014

Standard Hydraulics, SAU celebrated the past 15 January his Annual Convention with all the professionals of his commercial network of Spain and Portugal, in his installations of Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona) with the aim to communicate and do partícipe to the commercial network of the strategies of business of STH for this year 2014.

STH Gathered to the responsible maxima of all his network of sales to move by force commercial of the company the positive result obtained in the sales, as well as announce that the 2014 prepares like a loaded year of novelties.

Jaume Llacuna, general director of STH
Jaume Llacuna, general director of STH.
During the Convention, the general director of STH, Jaume Llacuna, appreciated the effort realizar the past year, reviewed the results of the company to national level as well as the main international markets where is present the signature, between them, France and Germany that have turned into markets very important for Standard Hydraulics. In concrete, in the field of international actions presented the fairs in which for the moment STH will have presence: Aquaterm (Russia), Mosbuild (Russia), Big 5 (Dubai), as well as other 9 fairs of national field with the unconditional support of the customers.

By his part the commercial director of STH for Spain and Portugal, Francesc Vila, also analysed the situation of the sector, evolution of the market and presented the new catalogue of Plumbery and Heating recently edited, that includes novelties in all his portfolio of products (accessories of union, multilayered systems and PE-X, systems polibutileno, valves of control of water, heating and ACS, valves sphere gas, treatment of gas) and also in grifería Clever, as well as all a plan of commercial actions and his presence in social networks.

Like final colophon, the convention closed his edition with a dinner offered by the company to all his commercial network and to the personnel of STH, where reflected the good tuning and the illusion created in front of this new full year of projects and challenges that recently begins.

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