
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Tecnofrias, nueva agencia exclusiva de Wittmann Battenfeld en Portugal

Tecnofrias, new exclusive agency of Wittmann Battenfeld in Portugal


5 December 2013

After the innumerable commercial successes reached by the Group Wittmann in the Iberian Peninsula during the last 20 years, with an important park of machines and auxiliary equipment working of satisfactory way in Portugal, this company in phase of expansion, has inaugurated recently the new technical Delegation-commercial ‘Tecnofrias Wittmann-Battenfeld Portugal', dependent ally of the Spanish subsidiary, with the purpose to be even more present in the market luso of near and effective way.

In spite of treating of a young company, the signature Tecnofrias starts his activity in the zone, like exclusive agent for all Portugal, with a shooting and experience of a lot of years, since his manager, and responsible of the delegation, Rui Fonseca, has been during more than a decade technical director of the division Battenfeld in Portugal, in addition to direct commercial collaborator of all the products of the Group Wittmann.

Installations of Tecnofrias Wittmann-Battenfeld Portugal, in Carreira-Leiria
Installations of Tecnofrias Wittmann-Battenfeld Portugal, in Carreira-Leiria.

This new company, to the service of the transformative industry of plastic Portuguese, is situated strategically in the place of Carreira, county of Leiria, in the centre of the country, with some glorious communications, to give always the best answer to the customers, from some ready installations for the repair, reconstruction and demonstration of inyectoras and his peripherals.

The company Tecnofrias, presents with a professional human team, qualified to loan the best technical service, without shelving an intense activity of commercial advice, explaining of course, with the narrow help and collaboration of his neighbours Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, the established subsidiary of the Group Wittmann for all the Iberian peninsula. By all the quoted, at present the recognised signature Wittmann Battenfeld can boast to be ready and very represented in this country, collaborating actively with all the industrial, so much in familiar signatures as in the biggest projects of the sector of the plastics.

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