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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Standard Hidráulica amplía su gama de contadores de energía

Standard Hydraulics expands his range of counters of power


22 November 2013

Rossweiner Contributes intelligent and innovative solutions for the management of the power in installations of the sectors of drinkable water and heating. The aim is to put to disposal of the installer and user components of long length, and easy to mount and use. The counter of power Heat Sonic is a good example.

A correct measurement contributes a greater degree of satisfaction to the user, motivating it to use of a more efficient form the consumption of power.

Heat Sonic Is a compact counter that incorporates a caudalímetro based in ultrasounds, an electronic unit and a pair of temperature, designed for the measurement of the energetic consumption in installations of heat and/or cold. The range comprises nominal discharges (qp) from 1,5 to 60 m³/h, with a maximum pressesure of service 16 bar, but according to the model can arrive until 25 bar (Certification MID class 2 and 3 according to DIN IN 1434, and according to PTB K 7.2 (counter of cold). Homologation dynamic rank of 1:250 (qi:qp) in class 2).

Contador Heat Sonic
Contador Heat Sonic.
The counter Heat Sonic can use for the measurement of heat, cold or systems combined of heat and cold, in circuits of water, where the rank of temperature was between 5 °C and 150 °C.

The remote reading of the counter Heat Sonic provides a maximum hygiene and flexibility. The counter can instrument with two systems of sending of information, system of communication M-Bus or through a wireless system, road irradiate 868 MHz.

The power is specified by means of the register of the difference of temperature between feeding and return, and the relation of the quantity of water that happens through the counter. The temperature measures through sensors PT500. These values transfer to the electronic unit, that is connected to the caudalímetro

Has a screen of high resolution in LCD of 8 digits, showing the current values, the previous, number of samples, and the service and parameters of operation. All this, so alone pressesing a button (Visualisation power in kWh or MJ, GJ).

- Version heat or cold, heat and cold.

- Battery type To-cell of 3,6 V CC, with an useful life of 11 years.

- Environingingmental class And1 + M1 according to DIN IN 1434.

- Individual remote reading (AMR) with optional modules of Plug & Play.

- 2 points of connection of communication. For example, M-Bus and entrance of impulses.

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Standard Hidráulica, S.A.U

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