
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Francesc Vila, nuevo director comercial para España, Andorra y Portugal de Standard Hidráulica

Francesc Vila, new commercial director for Spain, Andorra and Portugal of Standard Hydraulics


19 November 2013

From the next 1 December, Francesc Vila will be the new commercial director of Standard Hydraulics, SAU for the national market, Andorra and Portugal, for all the ranges of products manufactured and commercialised by the company.

Standard Hydraulics, SAU pertaining 100 % to the division Building Installations of the Dutch group Aalberts Industries NV and was designated platform of sales of the group in Spain.

Between the different companies and marks stood out that represents appear the recognised Comap (Sweat, LeatherPresses, SudoPex, SAR, Treatment of the water), Pegler Yorkshire (Woeste Yorkshire, Tectite), Meibes (Ballorex), Rossweiner (counters of water and calories), etc.

To these products commercialised add the products manufactured and commercialised traditionally by the company, like the recognised range of valvulería for installations of water, gas and heating STH, the systems of installation of multilayered Multistandard and of polibutileno Polyplumb, as well as the range of grifería for domestic use Clever.

Francesc Vila, new commercial director for Spain, Andorra and Portugal of Standard Hydraulics
Francesc Vila, new commercial director for Spain, Andorra and Portugal of Standard Hydraulics.
Francesc Vila will report functional and jerárquicamente to the director manager of the Hydraulics Standard group, Jaume Llacuna.

Francesc Vila, of 48 years of age and learning in Engineering, has a dilated professional experience of more than 30 years in the industrial state, especially in the field of the driving of fluids. From his experience in Kitz Corporation and Neoelectra Grup, happened to Standard Hydraulics in March of 2004, to exert the work of director of Regional Sales of the area of Raise, Murcia, Andalucia, Castile-La Mancha and Extremadura, directing a wide network of agents and personnel typical of the company, that now has seen expanded with this new position.

Likewise, also proceeds to appoint to Marta Serra director of Communication, to reinforce the structure of the department of Marketing of the company, reporting directly to the director manager of the company.

With date 30 June caused drop the commercial director and of Marketing of the company, Jordi Balcells, so as to initiate new personal and professional challenges, for what wish him the elder of the successes in his new stage.

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Standard Hidráulica, S.A.U

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