
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Wittmann inaugura sus nuevas instalaciones en Núremberg

Wittmann opens its new facilities in Nuremberg


on July 3, 2013

The Group Wittmann, main producer of manufacture of robots and peripheral equipment for the industry of the plastic, inaugurated the day 13 June 2013, the new plant 'Wittmann Robot Systeme' in Núremberg (Germany). To the evento assisted more than two hundred visitors, in his majority customers, that had the opportunity to enjoy of a wide program, with distinct demonstrations of machines and conferences, during the days of open doors. In this way, they could check the magnitude of the new installations, situated in the industrial polygon of Nuremberg-Feucht, with a plant of production of 3.000 m² and 1.200 m² of space reserved for offices, that guarantees the dynamic development of the company en el futuro. By the moment, the new building houses 120 employees. The total of the economic investment has enciphered in seven million euros.

In the image, of left to right, the director of the subsidiary of Núremberg, Michael Tölz, and the founder of the company, Werner Wittmann...

In the image, of left to right, the director of the subsidiary of Núremberg, Michael Tölz, and the founder of the company, Werner Wittmann.

During the speech of inauguration, the founder of the company, Werner Wittmann, wanted to stand out the main paper that has the company for the sector “am very satisfied, because the Group Wittmann has exerted a notable paper, in the creation of a sector linked to the automation of the industry of the plastics in Germany”. The new factory also has created like an innovative technological centre for the world of the most advanced automation, the one who at present develops the Group. Of the same way, stands out an effective production, instrumented with a modern centre of mechanised of 3 axles CNC and an important workshop of repairs. Besides, the installations of Nuremberg-Feucht have of a room of demonstrations, a warehouse of pieces for spare parts, as well as special areas for the logistics. From now, the new plant will mount robots and systems of automation to attend the specific needs of his customers. It expects that the new subsidiary of Núremberg obtain a turnover of 30 million euros in the present year.


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Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L

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