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Two hybrid technologies centre the attention of the days of open door

Wittmann Battenfeld Advances to the K in his installations of Barcelona

Nerea Gorriti15/05/2013
The past 9 May, Wittmann Battenfeld opened the doors of his installations situated in The Pobla of Claramunt (Barcelona), where showed the last technologies of the Group Wittmann, with innovative proposals and an advance of the novelties that will present in the next fair K 2013.

Wittmann Battenfeld Finishes to celebrate his 'Competence Days' in his Austrian headquarters of the 24 to 25 April where, under the lemma 'Power to the future', had 1.100 visitors. During the two days of length of the day, the multinational showed 17 machines and 30 solutions for the segment of the automation and peripherals, as well as applications and processes during the two days of length of the evento. After one of the most important celebrations for the signature of Austria, now has opened the doors of his headquarters in Barcelona to give to know two technologies of hybrid injection and advance to the presentation that will do in the fair K 2013 of the 16 to 23 October.

Between the novelties that the assistants could know, stands out the new inyectora servo electrical EcoPower 110. A machine of maximum provision and high energetic efficiency. A technology of big success from his launching, now renewed. During the day could know in version automated with a robot W818 and diverse peripheral equipment.

The installations of The Pobla of Claramunt (Barcelona) opened the doors to customers and visitors
The installations of The Pobla of Claramunt (Barcelona) opened the doors to customers and visitors.

According to Damián Hernández, commercial director of the multinational “in Barcelona, fundamentally present two types of hybrid technology. On the one hand, the version Ecopower, a machine servoeléctrica in all the movements but with a small hydraulics group servomotorizado for the accionamiento of the car of injection, noyos and expulsor. On the other hand, it stands out the version HM Servopower, a machine servohidráulica conventional but hidráulicamente accionada from an engine also servomotorizado Servodrive.

Antonio Sworn, salts manager IML, explains to customers, in front of the inyectora Ecopower, the hybrid technology
Antonio Sworn, salts manager IML, explains to customers, in front of the inyectora Ecopower, the hybrid technology.
Pieces of plastic injected in the Ecopower
Pieces of plastic injected in the Ecopower.

During the day the Wiitmman Battanfeld showed the new inyectora hybrid servo hydraulics HMS 150. “The machine with more demand, a technology servo integrated in the popular series of presses HM”, signalled. During the day was instrumented with the robot cartesiano W821, accompanied of the rest of auxiliary range of systems to complete the cell of work.

The version of the inyectora Battenfeld HM 150/525 served to show another type of hybrid technology
The version of the inyectora Battenfeld HM 150/525 served to show another type of hybrid technology.
Personnel of the north delegation shows the operation of the control of the inyectora hybrid servo hydraulics
Personnel of the north delegation shows the operation of the control of the inyectora hybrid servo hydraulics.


In robotics, presented for the first time the robot W808, designed for machines until 100-120 tonnes of closing. It treats of a robot of capacity of load of 3 kg, all the movements sevomotorizados and high speed.

The influx of visitors was constant during all day
The influx of visitors was constant during all day.

Also in the area of robotics gave to know special robots for automation with capacity of upper load to the normal, thought for machines from 200 until 1.000 tonnes of closing. “For example, robots with capacity of load of 35 kg, that can incorporate all type of hands of aprensión special for automations and projects of special engineering”.

Wittmann Battenfeld Also took advantage of to present solutions for robotics
Wittmann Battenfeld Also took advantage of to present solutions for robotics.
Pieces of plastic injected with the new inyectora hybrid servo hydraulics HMS 150
Pieces of plastic injected with the new inyectora hybrid servo hydraulics HMS 150.


In addition to injection and robotic, the assistants could know a wide muestrario of the new peripheral equipment Wittmann, robots, atemperadores, dosificadores, dehumidifiers, mills, …

In atemperación presented the atemperador of 180 degrees Tempro Plus and the range of mills, the mill triturador of low Great classical revolutions Junior in compact version so that it occupy the minimum possible space in the factory of the customer.

The peripherals were also leading of the day
The peripherals were also leading of the day.
Range Tempro
Range Tempro.

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Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L

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