Dematic Logistic Systems, S.A. - Conveyor belts

Dematic MCS

Modular conveyor system: designed to increase operational flexibility

Picture of Modular conveyor system
Modular conveyors MCS system provides greater control over the boxes, a quieter operation and less power consumption than traditional tape systems.

The modular system is designed from the outset to increase operational flexibility. Users can modify their transportation system as your business, without again installing different system evolves. The possibility to add new modules or change settings provides companies the flexibility needed to adapt to the periods of rapid evolution that are currently experiencing.

All conveyors are installed on a universal guide fence. Modules available to assemble a system include sections straight from tapes and rollers, curves, slopes/ramps, inductions, diverters steerable, etc. Modules used many standard components in such a way that specific parts is minimized and it is not necessary to have so many General parts, which facilitates the maintenance of inductions, diverters, etc. They can also be integrated into existing conveyor systems.

Modular conveyor system can be configured with rolls engines, motorized AC or variable frequency drives. The boxes control is optimized through a conveyor segmented with automated tracking and automatic tension. Built-in controls are connected with a can-bus that allows you to adjust parameters such as speed, the mode of accumulation and the standby from a central station.